Saturday, March 12, 2011


My sweet little baby girl is two and a half years old, as of today! That really blows my mind. I cannot believe that she is half-way to being THREE. I really feel like we literally just had her second birthday party about a month ago, and now we're half-way to another one. In honor of her half birthday, I wanted to "write down" some things that she's up to these days now that she is practically grown ;-)

At two and a half years old, Aubrey...

...Is potty training! We've been working on it all week, and she is really doing great! We're still figuring out the best way to go about it, so I'll post more details when we have it all figured out. (What am I saying? We'll never have it all figured out!) :-)...Is super attached to her "baby Belle." You'll notice the doll in most of these pictures. She is a little Belle doll (from Beauty and the Beast), and Aubrey got her for Christmas. She decided that Belle is her new best friend recently. That doll goes just about everywhere with us. She just LOVES Belle. She tries to "blame" things on Belle, which is so funny to me. Sometimes if I tell her to do something that she doesn't want to do, she will say, "But Belle doesn't want to." Ha! Of course she doesn't get away with that ;-) ...Still sleeps in her crib. She climbed out of her crib once several months ago, and I thought for sure that the crib days were drawing to a close. She hasn't climbed out since, though, and I'm SO thankful. Mommy just isn't ready for that transition just yet! She sleeps great, but she has been waking up earlier and earlier lately. She usually gets about 12 hours of sleep a day, including her nap. ...Has strong opinions about what she likes to eat. She can usually tell me exactly what she is "in the mood for" for a meal. Sometimes I let her pick what she wants (like for breakfast or lunch), but other times she just has to eat what I give her. Or NOT eat it, as is usually the case ;-) In the nursery at church, they get a little snack, and they sometimes give them little gummy snacks. Aubrey loves those things and begs for "yummies" all the time. I got her some little fruit chews for special treats to have at home, and she thinks that is just awesome. Her favorite thing to drink is "yemonade" (lemonade). ...Talks non-stop. We have real conversations now, and I just love that. I think it's so fun that she has a mind of her of own now and can express her own opinions. She doesn't just repeat phrases that she's heard us say; she comes up with things all on her own now, and it's HILARIOUS. I told David the other day that I really feel like she is my little companion now. I've always enjoyed her company since the day she was born, but it feels more like I have a little buddy here with me everyday (as opposed to a baby who doesn't provide a whole lot of [verbal] feedback). It's so fun!...Knows her colors. She gets blue and green confused sometimes, but she is very good at identifying colors. Of course her absolute favorite color in PINK. She tells me frequently, "Mommy, I love pink." She also loves purple and red :-)...Loves to point out when things "match." If we both have on blue jeans, she will put her leg up to mine and say, "Look! They match!" She will do the same thing if we're wearing the same color. If we're both barefoot, she will put her foot next to mine and say, "We both have 'naken' (naked) feet!"...Enjoys reading books. She loves it when we read to her, and she picks out which book she wants us to read to her before nap and bedtime. She has little names for her books, and she can recite pages from memory on her favorite books that we read the most often. I'm so glad she enjoys books and hope she always loves to read. ...Loves playing with her Legos! She will sit and build "towers" with her Legos for the longest time. I love them, too, because they are a nice quiet toy ;-) She builds "arks" for us, and she usually does some kind of pattern with the colors. She's quite artistic with her Legos. Ha! ...Reminds me to pray and thank God for her food if I forget. I love this. She will also randomly thank God for things. I love to hear her talk to God. I pray that the Lord is working in her heart even now to draw her to Himself. I hope that she loves the Lord more than anything and never remembers a day when she didn't love and talk to Him about everything. This is our greatest prayer and hope for our children. There is nothing I want more than to know that my children are His.

This little list really doesn't even scratch the surface about how funny and cute and smart we think Aubrey is. She and Jude are the apples of our eyes, and we think everything they do is spectacular. (Except the temper tantrums and disobedience of course! ;-) Second only to my salvation, Aubrey really is one of the biggest blessings in my life (along with David and Jude), and I am humbled and blessed to call her my daughter! Happy HALF birthday, sweet Aubrey! I love you so much! :-)

1 comment:

Courtney said...

She is becoming such a big girl. It seems like this is the age that they really change almost everyday. Enjoy!