Monday, April 26, 2010

Drum roll, please

So, are you ready to know our baby's name?! I'm sorry this has gotten so built up. I really was never trying to be a tease about it. Whenever I would say we were going to announce it soon, I really did mean it, but then we would change our minds or not know for sure about the middle name or something. We have finally set it in stone though. I never dreamed we would wait this long to announce it, and I hope we won't do this again, because I don't like keeping secrets ;-)

So, without further ado, our baby's name is....

Jude Anderson Howie

He will go by Jude. That is just a name that David and I both like, which usually means it's a keeper :) Anderson is a family name. I'm excited to get his name out, so we can start calling him by name (in public). Aubrey has a cute little way of saying Jude. We'll have to get a video of it.

Whew, it feels good to get that off my chest. Haha.


Jennifer said...

Carrie - It's beautiful! Thanks for sharing the name with blogland. We kept Evie's name a secret until she was born so I totally understand people who do not share the name. Can't wait to see Aubrey as a Big Sis.

Kendra McIntyre said...

Love it! Unusual but not strange. Good choice!

Sarah Denley said...

Ahh! So cute, now I just can't wait to see him!

Nathalie said...

Jude and Aubrey! How nice!! :)

The Williams Family said...

We love it and can't wait to meet him!

Jennifer said...

LOVE IT!!! Great choice!

Courtney said...

Love the name!

KTElltt said...

Great name! We have some friends that named their little boy Jude and when he was born, we all knew because their facebook status said "Hey, Jude!" :)

Christy said...

I love this name!! This was one of my top names for all 3 of my children :)