Wednesday, November 11, 2009


We took some cute videos of Aubrey yesterday. Please excuse the video quality -- we just used our old camera and it was getting dark outside so they are a bit on the dark side. We think they are too cute though! Oh, and don't pay attention to my voice. I always sound so ridiculous in videos!

In this one, Aubrey shows off her phone skills. You may notice that the "phone" she is talking on is not a phone at all but rather a remote control. She has held "phones" up to her ear for a long time now, but she recently has started talking when she is on the phone. CUTE!

We are going to start referring to Aubrey as our little Cinderella. She was all about scrubbing the floors and furniture yesterday. We were cracking up it was so funny! After she had gotten the floors pretty much spotless, she was still in the cleaning mood so you'll see she grabbed her sippy cup and poured water on the floor and then proceeded to clean that up. I guess she feels like she needs to give back since David and I do so much for her. Ha!

And last... Ah, I think this one is so cute! Aubrey got her doll and played mommy! Precious!


Ashley said...

Too precious!

Random: what was the music playing in the background and where was it coming from? Evy has an aqaurium in her crib that plays that same's like a lullaby type of song. I sing it in my sleep! Haha!

The Williams Family said...

Those are so precious! It just shows you that they are watching us and copying us!!! Loved the last one the best!

Nathalie said...

So sweet!! I can't believe how big and grown-up she is (seeing a video as compared to pictures makes a big difference)!

Thanks for sharing!