Saturday, May 2, 2009

Pictures from Devin's wedding

I think we're officially over our sick spell over here. Aubrey has been really grumpy and fussy all week, but she was in a better mood today and seemed more like her sweet self. Hopefully next week we can work on getting back on our schedule. She's really been fighting nap time lately, and Mommy needs nap time. And so does Aubrey, of course. :o) She's also decided she wants to be up for the day when she wakes up at 7. I'm not loving this, but I'll adjust. (I'm sure no one feels real sorry for me having to get up at 7 - I'm just not a morning person, what can I say?) I've been so spoiled to have a baby who slept in until about 9 for 7 months. I figured it wouldn't last. I was honestly surprised it lasted this long. I'll be ok... haha.

Last weekend was my cousin's wedding, and I never got to post any pictures since we've been under the weather. It was a beautiful wedding. It was outdoors, and thankfully the weather was great. A little on the warm side, but it's Mississippi - I don't think anyone was surprised about that. Funny story: Remember how I was was talking about being nervous about giving a toast at the rehearsal dinner? Well, I planned it all out in my head - I was going to tell a couple of cute stories from when we were children, talk about what an honor it was to be a part of their big day, wish them the best, etc. Well, at the dinner, the groom's dad talked and then the bride's dad did a toast. I was all in "toast mode" in my mind. I was waiting for a couple more people to go and then I was going to go. But then after Devin's dad talked, he played a slide show he had made for her. I figured I had missed my chance - the toasting was over. I didn't think they would go back to doing toasts after the slideshow. So I went into "sentimental/sappy mode." There were lots of sweet pictures from when Devin was little. Seems like yesterday... then I started thinking about Aubrey and how she will be the one getting married before we know it (why was I even thinking about that??) and I kind of got emotional. I'm not a big crier though, so I held it together and everything was good. After the slideshow, they asked if anyone else wanted to say anything. I was frantically trying to get back into toast mode before I missed my window of opportunity. I quickly stood up and said I would go. I introduced myself and LOST IT! Yes, I started bawling. Like, I couldn't even talk I was crying so hard. I tried to get it together, but I never really did. I skipped all the cute stories and choked something out. I don't really even know what I said. I was so embarrassed. That's just not like me at all. I think Devin was very taken aback. Haha. She said it was sweet, but I still just don't know what came over me. I blame the slideshow. ;o)

Anyway, here are some pictures of the wedding. Unfortunately, Aubrey was not in the best of spirits. Poor baby was sick and we didn't even know it!
Here I am with Devin before the wedding:
Beautiful Bride!
Devin and her girls:
Me with my sweet baby:
The bride and groom:


Ashley said...

Hahaha the toast story is hilarious. That sounds like something that would happen to me. I'm so glad you're feeling better! Even though we're swamped this week and will be out of town, we are getting together after that! It's been WAY too long!

Malinda said...

Thanks for visiting our blog during Kelly's tour. And thanks for commenting. I LOVE the central vac.

You have a beautiful baby girl. Aren't they fun?

Come back and see us sometime.

God bless.