Friday, March 8, 2013

Happy Birthday, Baby Girl!

Dear Alaina,

I feel like I don't even have the words to express how special today is. How special you are. March 8th, 2012 started very early for me. Labor came on fast and furiously, and it was quite an exciting morning. After being on bedrest for three weeks, I was MORE than ready to meet you, and even through the pain, I was so happy and excited that you were on the way. Daddy and I rushed to the hospital at 6AM, and you were born at 6:58. You were perfect and tiny and you had my whole heart from the start. I was in awe of what a wonderful gift we had been given in you, and that was one of the most special, memorable days of my life.
The first weeks of your life were an adjustment, but what a sweet, wonderful blessing you were! I remember spending a lot of time outside with you in the Moby wrap enjoying the spring weather. I decided that having a baby in the spring was perfect for me, because everything just felt fresh and new and beautiful. It didn't hurt that you were just an easy, lovely baby. Over the next months, you continued to be such a joy to our whole family. Aubrey and Jude adored you and gave you tons of attention. You were a good sleeper, a good eater, and a generally happy baby. Every month, we've just fallen more and more in love with you, and your first year of life was such a sweet one.
It's always amazing to me to add a new member to the family. It fascinates me the way your family can feel so perfect -- so complete -- but the minute you add a new baby, you know it would never feel complete again without that person. I love the way such a tiny little person can make a family feel so full and take up so much space in your heart. You are a vital part of this family, Alaina, and we are so glad that God made you a member of our family.
You are developing by leaps and bounds. Your newest trick is to stand up all by yourself (without pulling up on anything) and just stand for a while. You're very cautious, and so far you just stand still, but I think you'll be taking steps, too, in no time. I can tell you're SO proud of yourself when you stand up. We clap and cheer for you, and you just smile and giggle.
Your separation anxiety might be getting a little better. You haven't cried the past two times I've left you in the nursery. I hope it's getting better because it makes me so sad to leave you crying. You do still burst into tears every time I pick you up from the nursery. The minute you see me, you just sob. It's pitiful and precious all at the same time. It's totally a cry of relief, and I'm so happy you're as glad to see me as I am to see you :)
We made the transition to whole milk a couple of weeks ago, and it didn't phase you at all. Thankfully, you've done really well with that change. You still get three bottles of whole milk a day, but we're going to be getting rid of them soon. This makes Mommy nervous because you still don't drink very well out of a cup. We're working on it, and if we need to keep giving you a bottle for a little while, I'm not too worried about it. We're trying to transition to more table food, but you just eat baby food SO well that it's hard to give it up. I'm afraid your diet is not going to be as good once we get rid of baby food.
You're still a wonderful sleeper. Your schedule hasn't changed. You still seem to really need two naps a day, and as much as I'd love for you to drop your morning nap, I'm not going to push it. Mommy understands that you just need and like your sleep. I understand because you got that from me ;)
I think you weigh around 20 pounds. You wear a size 12 months in clothes and a size 2 shoe. You're a little thing :) You will NOT leave a bow in your hair. I've tried every trick I know, and you just can not be fooled into leaving the bow alone. You're a stubborn little girl! :)
Alaina, I don't know how else to say how much you mean to us other than to just say that we love you dearly. Our lives were forever changed for the better a year ago today. Thank you, Lord for our Baby Lainey!

Happy Birthday, my sweet girl!

All pictures were taken by our photographer friend in November. Since our computer wasn't uploading pictures then, I never got to share them. I figured now was as good a time as any :)


Jennifer said...

Happy Birthday, Beautiful Girl!

Amy said...

happy birthday!!! what a sweet joyous baby!
and libbi wore that same dress for her 2 yr portraits - i love it!!