Monday, January 24, 2011

Week in Review: Taking More Pictures

I'm obviously late with the Week in Review post this week. My excuse is that Jude was baptized at church yesterday, and we had both of our families over for lunch afterward. So our weekend was busy getting ready for that! Plus, I haven't been doing a good job of keeping up with these posts day by day lately, which means I have a very hard time remembering what we did each day when I'm trying to write them. I need to do better!

Anyway, I've been trying to take more pictures lately. Sarah Denley has talked about trying to take at least one picture everyday, and I've seen it on several other blogs I read, and I'm really going to try to do the same. I have a hard time with wanting all of my pictures to be "posed." Like, I feel like I can't take a picture unless both of the kids are dressed, and Aubrey's hair is fixed, and there is no mess or clutter in the background. Well, the fact is, that just isn't always what real life looks like over here! Some days the kids are in their pj's until they wake up from their afternoon naps, and there is usually always some kind of mess over here, but that's reality, and I want to document that. All that to say, I'm going to try to post more pictures in these posts. That means that these long, probably monotonous, posts are going to be even longer (but hopefully less monotonous!).

Sunday: I had come down with a stomach bug in the wee hours of the morning Sunday :( I was so hoping we were DONE with stomach bugs for the year, but apparently not. Thank the LORD, it was a very mild case. (I know everyone is dying to know - I didn't throw up. Told you I have a phobia. I felt so nasty though!) In hindsight, I think Jude had a mild bug, too, and I caught it from him. He had about three HUGE spit ups a day or two before, and he hadn't had much of an appetite. He spits up all the time, so I didn't think much of it, but these were unusually large. I'm so glad his was so mild, too! Aren't you so glad I shared all of our stomach bug details? Haha! Anyway, David and Aubrey went to church, and Jude and I stayed home. I was so sad because I had volunteered to teach the 2 year old Sunday School for 6 week, and I was supposed to start 3 Sundays ago. Something has come up EVERY week to keep me from teaching! The first Sunday, Aubrey had the bug, then Sunday School was canceled because of the "winter storm", then I was sick. I told David it doesn't seem like I'm meant to teach those 2 year olds. Ha! Anyway, Jude and I slept in, and when I woke up, I was feeling a good bit better. When David got home, he and Aubrey told me about church while they ate lunch. I wasn't feeling up to eating anything yet. When Aubrey went down for her nap, Jude and I took a nap also. I was feeling much better when I got up, and David and Aubrey were getting ready to go to night church. Jude and I just hung out at home taking it easy while they were at church. When they got home, David heated some chicken noodle soup up for me, and I ate a little. Aubrey went to bed but took forever to fall asleep. We went to bed relatively early that night.

Monday: Aubrey woke up earlier than I was hoping considering how late it was when she finally fell asleep the night before. I felt kind of lightheaded when I first got up but realized it was probably because I barely ate anything the day before, and I really didn't drink a ton either. I felt much better after eating breakfast and having something to drink. I just kind of laid around all morning. I read books to Aubrey and held Jude. When Jude went to sleep for his morning nap, I fixed lunch, and Aubrey and I ate. Jude ended up sleeping for about an hour and twenty minutes, which is a LONG nap for him :) We played some more when he got up, and then it was time for Aubrey's nap. She went down pretty easily, and then I was able to take a shower and get ready. I felt all back to normal after that, so I tried to be productive the rest of the day. I washed, folded, and put away some laundry. Jude took a short afternoon nap after his good morning nap, so he just watched me do laundry ;)
Jude and I also had a little play time together. He loves bouncing on my legs!

David came home after work, and we were happy to see him! The kids and I weren't going to karate because my mom had had the stomach bug (I think she caught it from Jude too - oops!), and she wasn't feeling up to going. We enjoyed spending some time with David before he had to leave for karate. When he left, I loaded the kids up and went to Sonic for a drink just to get out of the house for a few minutes. When they brought my drink, I realized I had left my money at home! I had to give my drink back, go home, get my purse, and go back to get my cherry coke. SO embarrassing! Our quick little outing turned into a slight ordeal :-/ When we got home, I cooked dinner (cod, wild rice, and asparagus) and Aubrey and I ate. We then just hung out at home and had a very nice evening. I enjoyed the night at home with my babies :) David put Aubrey to bed when he got home, and I put Jude down.

Tuesday: We were supposed to start Bible Study back that day, but our leader was sick, so we postponed it a week. I was really feeling the itch to get out of the house, so the kids and I got ready and went to Target and Chick Fil A for lunch.
Aubrey is ready to get out of the house! Bless her heart - she is just like her Mama. I think she hates staying home as much as I do for long periods of time.

It was nice to be out of the house, and we had fun together! When we got home, Aubrey went down for a nap, and Jude and I hung out together for a while before he went down for a nap too. (He had taken his morning nap in his seat while we were at lunch.) His naps are pretty short these days, so I didn't get a lot done. We had an uneventful afternoon, and David came home for a little while after work. He had a meeting at church that night, and so the kids and I were on our own again. Unlike our night at home the night before, this time it wasn't so pleasant. I felt like everything was just going wrong and I got really stressed out. Aubrey dropped a bowl on the floor, and it broke and her dinner went everywhere. Then she spilled Jude's sweet potatoes all over the rug while I was trying to feed him. Aubrey was just hyper and wild and Jude was wanting to be held. By the time I got both of them in bed, I was frazzled and the house was destroyed. I spent the rest of the evening cleaning and straightening up. By the time David got home, the house was clean and I was enjoying the peace and quiet :)

Wednesday: When we got up, we ate breakfast and got ready to go to lunch with Sarah Denley and Ann Peyton.Aubrey got into my nursing pads, and this is what I found. Ha! She said she needed some for her "milk." :)

We met at Mellow Mushroom and had fun! We talked about details about our trip - we are going to visit Ashley this weekend! So fun! When we got home from lunch, Aubrey took a good nap, and Jude took a short one. When he woke up, I could tell he was still tired, so I laid down with him so that he would go back to sleep. I didn't mind a little nap myself ;) When we all got up, it was almost time for David to get home. We talked for a while and then got ready to go to church. We had a good night at church - Rebekkah and I just chatted the whole time after dinner. When we got home, we had a low-key night. David and I got the kids to bed and then I watched some TV and got on the internet.

Thursday: We got up and got ready to meet Rebekkah and Carver for lunch. We had a good lunch, and then Rebekkah and I (along with the kids) went and joined a gym. Ever since it got cold outside, Rebekkah and I totally slacked off of our running. Meaning we quit entirely. This just is not acceptable, so we decided the time had come to start back, only this time we are going to try it indoors. The gym we joined doesn't have a nursery, so we will still be going when our husbands can keep the kids. I'm excited about working out and getting in shape, though! After we joined the gym, we went over to Rebekkah's house for a little while to see the progress they have made. They've done a lot of painting, and it looks great! By then it was naptime, so we headed home. Aubrey was tired and went down easily, and I just laid down with Jude again. I'm going to have to stop doing this if I want him to sleep in his own bed, but I'm enjoying it while he is still little. :) Plus, I was SO tired because it had taken me FOREVER to fall asleep the night before. Like, I was still awake at 2 AM. I think it was because I drank some tea with caffeine before bed. Anyway, we got up it was time to get ready to go to church for karate. During karate, we went to Target with my mom. I headed home with the kids as soon as we got back to church, because Rebekkah and I were going to work out that night, and I needed to feed Jude and get him ready for bed before I left. David put Aubrey to bed, and I got Jude ready for bed and then left. I picked Rebekkah up, and we had a good workout. We started over with the C25K program since it had been quite a while since we had done it. Ha! It felt good to be exercising again, though. David was already in bed when I got home, so I just got ready and went to bed too.

Friday: My goal was to stay home and get a lot done around the house, because we were having our families over for lunch on Sunday. I did get some stuff done, but not as much as I had hoped (of course). Jude took very short naps that day, so he was pretty much my little helper all day. Haha. Aubrey did take a good nap at least. I also got ready because David and I were going on a date that night! It had been a while since we had been on a date, so I was excited! My mom and brothers came over to keep the kids. All ready to leave for our date!

The restaurant we were planning on going to had either moved or closed, and we didn't know that until we got there. We tried Bonefish after that, but there was a 45 minute wait, and we really wanted to see a movie, so we didn't have time to wait. We ended up at this place that is basically a sports bar. Not exactly the atmosphere I was going for for date night, but the food was actually really good. We had fun anyway, and we made it in time for our movie. We saw The Tourist, and I thought it was pretty good. After the movie, we went to Barnes and Noble and got dessert. When we got home, the kids were asleep, and my mom and brothers were watching TV. We talked to them for a while before they went home. It was pretty late by that point, and Jude woke up, so I decided to just go ahead and feed him since I was still up hoping he would sleep better that night.

Saturday: David got up with Aubrey around 8, and Jude woke up shortly there after. He talked and played for a while and I dozed. He started to get louder, so we got up.
Just some Saturday morning fun. This is what I meant by wanting Aubrey's hair "fixed" for pictures. This was clearly before it was fixed. This is why I always pull her hair back - it's long, but I don't want her to have bangs.

I talked to David for a while about the plan for the day. We decided that I would take both kids shopping because he was teaching Sunday School the next day and needed to work on his lesson. The kids and I got ready and met my mom at Newk's for lunch. We then went to several stores and just looked around. The kids were both good, although Jude didn't take a great nap even in his carseat! When we finished shopping, we went home. David had gotten his Sunday School lesson pretty much finished, so that was good! We hung out for a while, and I made a grocery list, and then we went to dinner. We went to a vegetable place, because it had been a while since Aubrey had eaten her veggies. Thankfully, she ate lots of vegetables that night. We then went to the grocery store, and I got everything I needed to cook lunch for our families the next day. Aubrey opened a bag of slivered almonds while we were in Kroger, and they spilled everywhere! Then, when we got home, I dropped a gallon of milk in the garage and it busted and made a huge mess. Poor David had to sop up milk in the garage while I put the groceries away. We got the kids to bed, and I prepped all of our food for the next day. I needed milk for the dessert I was making, so David ran BACK to the grocery store to get another gallon since we had none, thanks to me. By the time I got everything ready and our house was presentable again, it was late and we went to bed.


Nathalie said...

That nursing pads picture of Aubrey is HILARIOUS! I seriously laugh out loud every time I look at it :).

Glad you're adding pictures to the posts!

Jennifer said...

I struggle with the perfect picture idea too but those funny Candids will be the pictures that we treasure when our kids are grown and we are old and gray.

Sarah Denley said...

1. The nursing bad pic is great. ALMOST as good as the one of AP in maternity panties on my blog. We have no shame!

2. They both look so old in the picture where Aubrey's hair isn't "fixed" and Jude has on the cap!

3. Clearly, I'm glad you are incorporating photos into these posts!

4. What restaurant closed/moved?

Jenny Fleming said...

oh the breast pads...

Jennifer said...

Oh my goodness... they are so adorable! The picture of the two of them has got to be one of my all time favorites... I don't really know why but it's just so sweet!

Amy said...

the nursing pad picture is HILARIOUS!
i am right there with you on the whole hair issue....libbi's hair is so long and scraggly in the front, but i don't want her to have bangs, BUT if it is not in a bow or pulled back then it just hangs in her eyes and drives me bananas! jeffrey always gets so frustrated with me, because whenever he wants to take a picture i will run to get something to pull her hair back with, even if she has on pj's - ha!
and the pic of jude in the hat is just about the cutest thing EVER!

Carrie said...

SD, the restaurant was Alexander's in Madison. Do you know what happened to it?