Sunday, June 27, 2010


So, Aubrey is officially in her new room! I have had so much anxiety over moving her into a new room AND a new bed. I just thought it was going to totally throw her for a loop and she wouldn't sleep for weeks and would completely give up her nap forever... yeah, that's why David calls me a pessimist. Haha. David, on the other hand, thought the move would be fine and pretty drama free. He was right, of course. (So far!) Aubrey took a nap in her new room for the first time yesterday. And last night... well, last night was wonderful! I don't think I've mentioned this before, but Aubrey hasn't been sleeping as great as she usually does for the past couple of weeks. It all started when we took her bumper pads out of her crib. (Yes, we just took them out a couple of weeks ago. She never tried to climb out of her bed, so please don't comment and say we should have taken them out sooner. Thanks!) She loved those bumper pads. She would snuggle up to them like they were a body pillow. I had no problem leaving them in her bed as long as she didn't use them to climb out. However, we needed the forms to make Jude's bumpers. So, we took them out of Aubrey's bed. Again, I thought this would cause drama. (Noticing a theme here? I don't like change and I assume my child won't either.) The only drama the removal of the bumpers has caused is the loss of the pacifier every night. Apparently, the bumpers served as a barrier that kept the paci from falling out of the crib in the night. Now that the barrier is gone, Aubrey wakes up at some point in the night every single night looking for her paci, which is, of course, on the floor. All she wants is her paci, and she goes right back to sleep when we return it to her, but it's still interrupted sleep every night. Well, all that to say, Aubrey slept through the night for the first time in WEEKS last night!! It was so nice, but of course I was worried about her when she didn't wake up. Haha. All was well, and she even took a three hour nap in her new bed this afternoon. Hopefully this trend continues! The moral of that story is to get rid of the pacifier EARLIER with our next child!! I don't even want to think about how awful it's going to be when we take Aubrey's pacifier away. Anyway, I'm going to post pictures of her room this week. :)

PS -- I'm trying not to get my feeling hurt that I've gotten ZERO comments on my last several posts...... :)


Sarah Denley said...

Have you tried just putting an extra in there? We just leave multiple pacis in AP's crib in case she knocks one out. She's pretty good at finding them even in a sleepy haze ;)

Ashley said...

I know, I've been slacking in the commenting department. I pretty much just really want to see pictures of the room. If I can get my house REMOTELY straight, I'll show progress pictures of mine. It's incredibly messy. But anyway, we both need to post pictures! :)

Jennifer said...

Evie still has bumpers so no judging from this Mama! She uses them as a little pillow. We are thinking of getting her a little toddler pillow. I am so glad Aubry transitioned so well to her new room - that's a relief for you! Can't believe Baby Jude will be here so soon.

Sarah Broadus said...

i haven't had a comment in over a week! I think its just summer businesses

Unknown said...

Haven't been on blogger in ages but I see you're expecting Jude to arrive any day now!! An early congratulations! We just had our baby boy (Judah) 2 months ago! I posted the birth story and am going to try staying on top of posting more. You're going to LOVE have a baby boy! :o) Be blessed!

Jennifer said...

Glad she is transitioning better than you thought! It's so funny how they surprise you, isn't it?

Caroline got sick a week ago and hasn't wanted her paci since. I'm thinking about just putting them away... so strange!

Carrie said...

Well, Sarah Denley, we only have one pacifier or we might try putting more in her crib. We have been down to one for several months, and it's a miracle it's still around. There is just something in me that can't stand the thought of buying pacifiers for my 21 month old! :) It might be worth it for a solid nights sleep though...

Jennifer, do it! Take the paci away! I read that, ideally, you should get rid of the pacifier by 6 months, and I wish we had done that :-/