I've already mentioned that my grandmother made his crib bedding. It is completely finished and just waiting to be put in the crib! I'm really happy with the way it turned out, and we were able to do it for a great price too! We used the pillows from Aubrey's bumpers -- they have a zipper and come off just like a pillow case. I have always loved toile, but I have never used it in my house. I decided now was the time. I found this blue toile that I think is precious and just went from there for the other fabrics. Here are some pictures of Jude's bedding:
Outside of the bumpers
Inside of the bumpers
We are going to paint his walls a light, neutral color. SO unlike what I usually go for on the walls! I decided to go light and pastel because this is the only time I think it's appropriate for a boy. When he is older, he'll need a more "boyish" room, so I figured I would go all baby for now :) My original plan was to put up a chair rail and paint stripes in three shades of the neutral color below the chair rail. I wanted it to be really subtle and washed out. I was even thinking of doing a glaze over the stripes to keep it subtle. However, it's hit me lately that we have less than 5 weeks to get this all done. SO... I have decided to ditch the stripes and the chair rail :( I think the room will be cute enough without them, and it will save us some money and A LOT of time. Plus, I have to remember that our next baby may be a girl, and we would be painting over all this... so, I think the best strategy for the nursery walls is to keep them simple as long as we want more kids! :) We will be painting the ceiling a VERY pale shade of blue, so hopefully that will make up for what we lose by not doing stripes.
We haven't hung the light fixture we got for his room yet, but that's a quick and easy job, so it's toward the top of our list of things to do! Here is a picture of the light:
That's about all we have for now. I'm waiting until the room comes together somewhat before I think about accessories. I just need to see the room before I'll know what we need. I'm excited to make all this happen SOON!
The bedding is beautiful. I can't wait to see te finished product.
If we do, I still want the bedding at least. It's gorgeous. All we have for Rosslyn's bed is the mattress so at least we have a start.
baby girl bedding
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