Aubrey is 20 months old today. I don't know what it is about saying "20 months" but it just sounds like
forever ago! I really don't feel like it was 20 months ago that I held my baby for the first time.

Really, there are days when I feel like I should still be pregnant with Aubrey; how on earth was it 20 months ago when I gave birth to her?! It is scary how fast time flies.
We have been having so much fun with Aubrey lately though, that it's impossible to be sad about the fact that she will practically be a teenager tomorrow. Haha.

One of Aubrey's major developments this month is a mouth full of teeth! Our little [super] late teether is finally getting many teeth! I feel like she had 2 when David and I went on our trip, and she had a mouth full when we got back. That's a
slight exaggeration, but she really did go from 2 teeth to
10 teeth in a very short time. She is getting her molars now, which has made for some moodiness :-/

Her vocabulary has also
exploded! She went from saying just a few words to tons of words overnight. I can't even list all the words she says, but here are a few of the ones she uses the most:
-Knightly (The way she says this is SO cute!)
-Uh-huh (We need to work on her manners, but this is just so cute that I hate to correct her!)
-Outside (She is definitely an outside girl!)
-Hot (She thinks anything that isn't room temperature is hot, whether it's hot or cold.)
She will also repeat pretty much anything you ask her to. We LOVE hearing her talk. It's amazing how much we can communicate now. She is extremely friendly... when we pass someone in the store, she has to tell them "hey." If they don't respond, she repeats it again louder. After they say hey back to her, she says "bye-bye." Haha, it's too funny!

She doesn't sit still. She is still constantly on the move, and I think she would be completely happy if we lived outside. Unfortunately, being outside in the heat (especially while pregnant) is not this mama's favorite thing to do. I think we are going to get a kiddie pool for us to play in, and maybe join a real pool this summer.

She has been doing GREAT about taking naps lately! I am so incredibly thankful for this. It just makes our lives more pleasant and our days more productive. She has taken naps very consistently for several weeks now. Hopefully that continues for a long time after Jude is born!

Aubrey makes me smile and laugh more than anything else, and I just love that I'm able to spend my days with her. She really is my little sunshine, and I couldn't be more thankful for her!
1 comment:
I love this! I'm working on Evy's 15 month post right now. I love that first picture of you and Aubrey...doesn't it seem like yesterday?!
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