Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Baby Update

This week is a big week for the baby. I'm 24 weeks now, so the baby is viable! If he were to be born now, he would have a greater than 50% chance of survival. That's so great to know, but I'm hoping he stays put for a lot longer :)

I had a ton of people tell me on Sunday that I looked bigger. They said it in nicer ways than that, but that was the jist of what they were saying :) It honestly doesn't bother me though. I've felt huge for weeks now, so I'm really surprised it's taken people this long to comment on my belly. No one said anything ugly -- they were basically saying that I've "popped." I think I look the same as I have for a while though. Here is a belly pic so you can see for yourself. (This is actually from last week. We haven't taken this week's picture yet, and I'm too lazy to go take it and put in on the computer.) :)I'm still feeling great! Except for heartburn... yuck! I told David that this baby is probably going to come out with a head full of hair if the old wives tales are true. I'm kind of partial to bald babies, so I'm hoping this heartburn isn't due to hair. Ha! :) If he does have a head full of hair though, I'm sure I'll think it's the most adorable thing I've ever seen!

I'm just so thankful that things are going so well! At my next doctor's appointment, I have the glucose test. I'm praying that is all good. Oh, we're still working on a middle name for the baby. When we decide, we may or may not announce his name to the world ;)


Ashley said...

Of course, you look completely adorable while pregnant! Of course I'm trying to guess names in my head...heehee!

Christy said...

You are so cute :)

I had horrible heartburn with Laura Grace and Layton-they both were born VERY bald!

Jennifer said...

You look so good! Makes me miss being pregnant! I had really bad heartburn with Caroline and she doesn't have much hair either! :)

Jennifer said...

You look so good! Makes me miss being pregnant! I had really bad heartburn with Caroline and she doesn't have much hair either! :)