Monday, December 14, 2009


I have one question. Why, oh WHY does no one show up when they're supposed to?? On Saturday, someone was supposed to come to our house at 4 to measure for carpet. By the time David got Aubrey's crib set up it was after 3, so we didn't even attempt to get her down for a nap because we knew we were just going to have to wake her right back up. But... the carpet guy didn't show up until 6!! Two HOURS late. Aubrey could have taken a nap after all.

Then today some maids were supposed to come deep clean our house at 9. This was going to be perfect because they would finish up just in time for Aubrey's nap. But they never showed up. David called them at around 9:30 to find out what the deal was. Apparently they double booked. Oops. They assured us they would be here between 11-12. They finally rolled in around 12:30. I hate that I've been complaining so much recently, but come on, people! It is SO difficult when people show up hours late under "normal" circumstances, but it's even worse when you have a baby and just moved and are living in chaos. I can't start unpacking until they clean. So, I've pretty much just been sitting around wasting time today.

I'm taking a deep breath though. They are here now. They are getting my house clean, which is a huge job, believe me. Aubrey is asleep at the moment. It's ok.

Thanks for letting me have my little venting session for the day. I'm done now. Hopefully there won't be another addition tomorrow :o)


Jennifer said...

Being on time is a lost art - we have had numerous contractors out giving us estimates on work - they are ALWAYS late. It used to annoy before Evie now it really frustrates me! I totally relate to your vent! Hope your house is clean and your carpet gets installed when are ready.

Anonymous said...

That would drive me INSANE! I don't see clients if they arrive more than 15 minutes late. These people are supposed to be professional!
-Sarah T.