Tonight David, Aubrey, and I were eating out. As is often the case, someone came up to our table to ask us about a little item that we have for Aubrey. That reminded me that I totally forgot to mention this little gem in my babygear post, and it is one of my favorite things! You want to know what I'm talking about??

This is the Kiddopotamus Tiny Diner Placemat. We never eat out without it. When Aubrey first got old enough to start sitting in a highchair in restaurants, we realized we had two problems. First, restaurant highchairs are
nasty!! I read in a parenting magazine that most restaurant highchairs, along with shopping carts, have fecal matter on them. Yuck! Well, there was an obvious solution to that -- a highchair/shopping cart cover which we have, as most people with babies do. The second problem was that we discovered that Aubrey liked to lean over and
lick the restaurant table! She would literally run her tongue back and forth... back and forth... across the table. It grossed me out so much, but there was no way to make her stop. So, I took a little trip to Babies R Us, and I got the Tiny Diner Placemat.
It's made out of rubber for easy cleaning, and it has suction cups to attach it to the table. It has a little tray to catch dropped food. It was perfect to keep her from licking the table, and now that she's graduated to table food, it's fabulous to have to put her food on. No contact with the nasty table! I have had SO many people come up and ask me where I got this thing. Moms, Dads, Grandmothers, Aunts... everybody wants to know where they can get one for the baby in their life! Like I said, they are
available at Babies R Us, but I'm sure they have them other places too.
Just wanted to share that little tip with any moms who may be reading who haven't yet discovered the joys of the Kiddopotamus Tiny Diner. Go get one, and your dining out experience will be a lot cleaner. And expect lots of people to ask where you got it ;o)
We LOVE our Tiny Diner too. Last week, my mom and I were out with Evie and we saw another baby with one too. My mom thought that was so cool. It's the perfect baby gift along with something fun.Hope Aubrey's ears are doing better.
I'll definitely be getting one :)
would it be weird if I started calling AP and Aubrey our Kiddopotamuses? I won't do it too loud in public!
Awesome! I just checked and they sell them in Canada too.. YAY!
....adding yet another thing to my "need to buy" list! :) Thanks for the tip!
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