Thursday, August 21, 2008

36 week update!

I had a doctors appointment today. I'm going every week now. All was well. I had not gained any weight, so I was pretty happy about that. Aubrey's heartbeat was nice and strong. I was measuring right at 36 weeks. I'm not dilating at all. My doctor said that's a good thing at this point though. It would have been exciting if I was making a little progress, but that's ok. So I'm still just hanging in there.

My doctor will be out of town next week, so I'll see the nurse practitioner instead. The week after that, my doctor will check me again and she said we will talk about what we're going to do. I assume she means she will explain her policy on inducing, should that be necessary, and stuff like that. We'll see. She also said I will probably have a sonogram that week. I was surprised because I didn't expect another sonogram. I guess she wants to check the baby's position or something? I don't know... I guess I should ask more questions.

I feel like the end is in sight! I'm scared out of my mind, and so excited I can hardly wait all at the same time. I guess that's normal. :)

1 comment:

KTElltt said...

Eek! It's so close! This is fun...

A lot of times they do a sonogram at the end to kind of judge about how big your baby is and check to see how much amniotic fluid is left -- it's possible to have slow leaks that are unnoticeable or if you have a really big baby, the fluid can diminish enough that they decide to induce early. That's probably why...