Thursday, June 6, 2013


-We have to make a profile book for our adoption. It's for birth mothers to look through to get to know a little about our family and what we like to do. There are certain things that we are supposed to include, and our adoption agency let us look through some sample books, but you can really be creative with the book. Most people use Shutterfly or something like that to make the book. You would think this would be a fun little project. I like to be creative, and it's fun going through pictures and trying to decide which ones to use. But oh my goodness. This is STRESSING me OUT. I just want this book to be perfect, and it's so overwhelming to sit down and try to sum up our family with some pictures and a few paragraphs. How am I going to capture our kids' personalities or convey what we're all about as a family? And how am I going to express to this birthmother why WE would be good parents for her child? Clearly I'm over-analyzing this, but it's kind of a big deal. I can't put it off much longer, though. Pretty soon, David and I are just going to sit down and KNOCK IT OUT. And we're going to make it as perfect as we can and not worry about it anymore after that :)

-We officially listed our house on Monday, and we had our first showing yesterday! After the showing, I'm seriously PRAYING that our house isn't on the market forever. Ugh. Getting everything perfectly clean and getting us all out of the house was no joke. This showing was particularly rough because they said they were going to be here anywhere from 10-12. Getting out of the house and staying away for two hours isn't easy. Thankfully, most showings won't be like that (at least I HOPE not). Anyway, we're hoping to have lots more showings soon and we're really hoping that the right person comes along quickly. I'm just ready to get this show on the road (no pun intended).

-If it seems like all I talk about lately is the adoption and selling our house, it's because those two things have kind of consumed my life as of late. It has just been a LOT. But hopefully now that both of those are getting to the waiting stages, I'll have other things to talk about soon. I do plan on posting pictures of our house as it is now, hopefully starting next week.

-My BFF Rebekkah decided to start blogging again, and I'm so excited about being able to keep up with her more easily! We text all the time, but I just happen to love reading blogs :) I'm going to make her keep the blog going this time. Haha!

-Speaking of friends, my book club girls are planning a little trip for later this month. It's going to be our current group plus a few members who have moved away (Yay, Rebekkah and Lindsey!). I'm SOOO excited about spending a weekend with these sweet friends. Love those girls!

-Also, speaking of blogs, I don't read them nearly as much as I used to. Of course I still read all of my friends' blogs and I still read the blogs of you friends who I've gotten to know through blogging :) Chances are, if you're reading this and have a blog (and I know who you are!), I'm still reading your blog. Haha! But I don't read many "big blogs" who I have no personal connection with very much anymore. I didn't really make a conscious decision to cut back, it just kind of happened gradually, and I'm happy with that. I've just been so busy with other things lately, and I figure if I haven't really missed the blogs, why go back to reading them? I'm so sad that Google Reader is going away soon, but my plan at this point is not to even get a replacement. I'm just going to see which blogs I miss reading when I no longer have my Reader, and I guess I'll just read those by going to the actual blog. The rest I will bid farewell. Ha! Like I said though, if you're a "blog friend" "I'll still be reading your blog! I'm sure you were all real worried about loosing me ;)

-This week felt crazy busy, and next week is going to be even more so. We have VBS at church, and we apparently have a TON of kids registered. Way more than usual. We're of course thrilled to have so many visitors, and I'm excited about the week. I know my poor kids will be exhausted by the end of it, though.


Amy said...

somehow i missed that y'all were moving! we're really wanting to list our house, but selfishly the thought of having to keep it clean and "show ready" is making me drag my feet - ha! i've even considered saying, "we'll tak XXXX amount off our asking price if you'll just take the house 'as is'" ;-)

Courtney said...

Good luck with selling your house. I will be praying for a quick sell. Also good luck with your book, I imagine it would be hard to pick just the right pictures to convey such an important message. I am sure it will turn out great.

Kristal said...

Selling a house can be such a pain, especially with kids. Praying the process is quick and painless!!

And I totally understand the blog reading thing. I've been paring down the blogs I read as well. I was getting overwhelmed with the number I "had" to read, so like you, I've cut out a lot that I had no real connection to. It's been liberating, haha!!