Back in March, we celebrated sweet little Alaina's first birthday! I knew I wanted to keep her party small and simple, and when I was brainstorming ideas for her party, I thought that it would be the perfect time of year to do an outdoor party. So, I decided to call it a "garden party" ande use that as the theme. Which just meant that we did exactly the same thing that we've done for all of our other birthday parties (snacks, cake, and ice cream), we just did it all outside on the deck. It was really fun, and I loved being outside! The weather ended up being PERFECT that day, and doing everything outside made cleanup easy :) My brother's sweet girlfriend, Anna, took pictures for us, so these pictures were taken by her.
Food table minus the food. I did add food before (most of) the guests arrived :) |
The precious guest of honor! |
Aubrey is CRAZY about her little sister! |
Something was very funny :) |
LOVE my family! |
"Where's Jude?" |
"There he is!" |
Doesn't Alaina look like she can barely contain her excitement over opening presents? Haha! |
"Happy Birthday to you...." |
She was very tentative with her cupcake... |
She decided she wasn't a fan of having her hands dirty. Such a girl! |
She'd rather someone just put the cupcake in her mouth :) |
So of course I obliged! |
And then sweet Aubrey was giving Alaina bites. It didn't end well. Apparently Alaina bit down on Aubrey's finger hard enough to leave a mark and Aubrey burst into tears. It was pitiful, but I have to be honest, I was fighting laughter. The sweetest part was that Aubrey wasn't mad at Alaina -- she was just in a lot of pain for a few minutes! ;) |
Alaina was quickly over the cupcake. She just hasn't had time to develop her sweet tooth yet. I have NO DOUBT it will come if she's related to the rest of us ;) |
It was such a fun and low-key party, and we're so thankful for the first year we had with our precious baby girl!
What a sweet birthday party. I can't believe she is one already!
Such sweet pictures! Your March weather must be better than ours. I'd love to do an outside party one day and Sam in March will probably win out over Avery in July. Still can't believe our bed red babies are 1!
Same here -- I can't believe Alaina's already one! Where does the time go?
Such a sweet party and beautiful family! Glad you all had fun.
It was such a precious party! And I have to be honest, it's nice to be in a different place where I'm not stressed about taking my two somewhere like this without Peyton. It probably helps I've "bonded" a bit with your fam over the years ;)
Also, Alaina is quite the celebrity these days. AP told me in the saddest voice in the car on the way home "I really didn't get to see much of Baby Alaina today". What???
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