Sunday: We had church and Sunday School that morning. This was the last day of our mission's conference, so we had a guest preacher. He was really good! Then, during Sunday School, we had missionaries who we support speak to us. One of the ladies who spoke in our Sunday School class was from the adoption agency we're using, so that was fun to hear from her :) After Sunday School, we had a church wide mission's lunch. We had lasagna, and it was fun to have lunch with our whole church. The kids started melting down towards the end, though. It was definitely naptime! When we got home, we put the kids down for naps. I took a nap that afternoon, and then we got ready to go back to church that night. We had another guest preacher, and it was a good service again. We had fellowship time after church. We came home after church, and we put the kids to bed. I got on the internet for a while before bed.
Monday: David took Aubrey to school that morning, and Jude and Alaina and I had a normal, uneventful morning at home. Late morning, I put Jude and Alaina in the double stroller and we went for a walk around our neighborhood. They were both so happy and content while we were walking, and I felt like I got some good exercise pushing that HEAVY stroller ;) We came home when it was time for Alaina's morning nap. I did some cleaning around the house and got ready while Alaina napped. I put a roast in the crockpot for dinner, and we ate lunch when Alaina woke up, and then we went to get Aubrey.
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I think this sweet girl must have had a big day at school |
Tuesday: The kids and I went to Bible Study that morning. That was fun! After it was over, we came home and ate lunch. The kids played for a while after lunch, and then it was naptime. I got them all down, and then I got on the internet for a while. I also put some laundry away and straightened up the house. When David got home, we got the kids ready because he was taking them over to his parents' house for dinner (I had book club). They left before I did, and I had just enough time to eat some dinner and pick up some toys around the house. I freshened up, and I left to go to my friend, Anna's, house. The two of us rode together to pick up our friend, Rachel, and then we carpooled to our friend, Megan's, house where we were having book club that night :) We had ready The Kitchen House this month, and y'all. That book is DEPRESSING. But SO good! I seriously loved it. I was excited about discussing it with my friends, and we had a good discussion. And then we talked about other random things and laughed SO hard. I was laughing so hard I was crying at one point. Good times :) We stayed pretty late, and by the time we dropped everyone off and I drove home, it was almost 11. David and I talked for a few minutes. He and the kids had had a good time at his parents' house. We went to bed late.
Wednesday: This was SUCH a busy day! Jude had a doctor's appointment that morning to get the rest of his rash popped. I knew he would NOT be happy when he realized where he was going, and I wanted nothing to do with that appointment. So, David took Jude to the doctor, and Alaina and I took Aubrey to school. It was kind of a mad rush to get us all out the door, and David and I left home at the same time. After I got Aubrey to school, Alaina and I went to a consignment sale. We got there a little before it opened, so I fed her breakfast in the car. Ha! I got the stroller out of the car, and it was soaking wet. I still have no idea why it was so wet; I guess something spilled on it. But that meant that I had to carry Alaina while we were at the sale. No big deal, except that she was pushing against me the whole time because she wanted down. I found some cute stuff, but the line to pay was long. Meanwhile, David had called to let me know they were finished at the doctor. Thankfully, Jude had survived :) David was going to get the oil changed in the car, and I was going to meet up with him to get Jude. Alaina and I finally made it through the line, and we headed home. My grandmother was coming over to keep Jude and Alaina while I went to volunteer, and I was running late. I called David, and he said he'd just bring Jude all the way home so that I wouldn't have to stop. I got home right before my grandmother got here, and I attempted to put Alaina down for a nap. She had fallen asleep in the car, though, so she wasn't having it. Jude and David got here just as I was about to leave. David and I did a quick carseat swap, and then I left. When I finally got to the school to volunteer, I felt like I just needed to take a few deep breaths. I had been rushing all day. My time volunteering was really good that day. A lot of the kids were out, so it was very low-key :) I left from there to go pick up Aubrey. She had had a good day at school. We came home, and Alaina was down for a nap already since she didn't get a good morning nap. My grandmother left, and I put Jude and Aubrey down. Then I just sat for a little while. Haha! The kids woke up, and I got them ready for church. David came home, and we all went to church. We had a good night there. When it was over, we came home and got the kids to bed. David and I talked for a while, and then we went to bed.
Thursday: We didn't have any plans for the day, but I wanted to get out of the house. It was so cold -- too cold for any outdoor activities! So, we hung out at home that morning and let Alaina nap. I got ready while she slept, and then we ate lunch. After lunch, we went to a book store. I was wanting to find another book to read since I had finished my book club book. We looked around, and then I let the kids check things out in the kids' section. We had fun, but then Aubrey and Jude kept trying to wander off and they got a little hyper and out of hand, so we had to make a hasty exit. We came home after we left the book store, and thankfully, it was time for naps. I put the kids down, and then I just picked up the house. It's always SUCH a mess after we've had any time at home. I also hung up some of the kids' clean clothes. When the kids woke up, they ate a snack, and then I put Alaina in the carrier, and we went for a walk. We just went to the end of our street and back, but the kids always have fun when we do that. Jude ended up slipping down in a mud puddle and he got wet and filthy, so we headed home after that. It got COLD as the sun was going down, so we hurried the last half of our walk. When we got home, I got Jude changed into clean, dry clothes, and then I started a movie for Aubrey and Jude so that I could cook dinner. Alaina played while I cooked, and then David got home. We ate supper, and then we had a family devotion. We bathed the kids -- David did Jude and Aubrey, and I took Alaina. We put them all to bed, and then we just hung out the rest of the evening.
Friday: That morning, we ate breakfast, and then I took a shower and started getting ready. I got Alaina down for a nap, and then I got Aubrey and Jude dressed. When Alaina woke up, we left to go to the Herrington's house for lunch. We had fun! We ate chili, and the kids had fun playing together, as usual. I somehow lost Alaina's paci, and she was in desperate need of one. Thankfully, SD has tons of pacifiers laying around, so she boiled one and gave it to us. Haha. We came home, and I got the kids down for naps. When David got home, we hung out for a little while, and then we all went to Mellow Mushroom for dinner. It was delish, as always :)
After dinner, we went to TJ Maxx, and then David ran in Kroger to get some milk. We put the kids to bed when we got home, and then David and I watched a movie. We watched The A-Team, and I pretty much hated it. I thought it was SO dumb. Haha! I guess you aren't going to like every movie you ever watch ;) After it was over, we went to bed.
Saturday: David took the kids to the Farmer's Market that morning, and I slept in.
When I got up, I got on the internet and looked at recipes. I made a meal plan and a grocery list for the week. That ended up taking forever. Then I made some bread and some pumpkin spelt muffins. I took a shower, and then David and the kids got home. We fed them lunch, and then it was their naptime. I left during naptime, and I went to Ross, Old Navy, and Kroger. When I got home, the kids were still napping. I wanted to repaint a table that I had painted a few weeks ago that turned out awful. So David helped me sand the table and I mixed two paint colors to get a color I liked. I painted the table inside because it was FREEZING outside. (There were literally snow flurries while I was out shopping.) The kids woke up while I was painting, so David got them up. When I finished painting, I fixed dinner. We ate, and then I put some stain on the painted table. I like the way it turned out! After all that, we bathed the kids, and I picked out and ironed clothes for the next day. David took the heads off some shrimp he had gotten at the Farmer's Market so that I could cook it for lunch the next day, and then we went to bed.
1 comment:
You are so productive! I liked the Kitchen House too but agree that it was so depressing. Do you think the plot is realistic? It makes me sad to think that horrible things like that were happening all over our country!
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