Sunday, July 1, 2012

Still Here!

So.... you might have noticed (or probably not) that I never posted my Week in Review post last week. We've been busy. I felt like I had about a million things on the calender the beginning of the week, and it just never happened. I kept thinking, "I need to blog, I need to blog, I need to blog..." and finally, I just had to let it go and tell myself that it was ok if I skipped a week. Here's the thing: I love blogging. I truly do. I am one of those people who really does use my blog to look back on our life and the kids' milestones and important events. I love that I have this record. BUT... I refuse to allow blogging to become a source of stress. It's just not worth it. I blog when I can, and when I can't, I'm just going to have to let it go and be ok with that. It's not the end of the world if one week of our lives doesn't get recorded -- it was a boring week anyway ;) I don't want to be so busy recording our lives that I miss out on actually living in the moment. So, no Week in Review post last week :) (By the way, I'm aware of the fact that no one cares or probably even notices if I skip a Week in Review, but I feel like I need to put this out there for myself..... maybe this is how I "let it go." Hahah.)

However! I do plan to do better this week :) The week is going to be pretty low-key, thankfully. We hosted a going away party for our dear friends, the Arants, last night (so sad!), and of course I decided that the week leading up to the party would be a good time to start several projects (becasue I'm crazy). It was a little chaotic, but now I'm so glad that I got a few things checked off my mental to-do list, and the party was really fun! So, I want to post pictures of some of the changes we've made around the house lately. Also, I DO plan on resuming my Week in Review posts now that things have settled down :) Hopefully I can get that done tomorrow or the next day.

So, all that to say, we're still here, we're doing great, and I'm still blogging :) But being a wife, mom, and friend takes priority, so sometimes blogging just has to hang out on the back burner for a while :)

1 comment:

Whitney said...

I've noticed you haven't been around and even checked your blog to make sure I hadn't missed something! Glad all is well. Can you believe our babies will be 4 months old soon?