Friday, March 23, 2012

2 Weeks Checkup

Alaina had her 2 week checkup with her pediatrician this morning. Everything looked great! She was 6 pounds, 15 ounces at birth, 6 pounds, 5 ounces when we went home from the hospital, and 7 pounds, 6 ounces today! So, she gained over a pound since leaving the hospital. Yay! I always feel like hearing that my babies are over their birth weight at their 2 week checkup makes all the hard work of constant feedings and waking them up every 3 hours at night to eat worth it :) Our doctor was really happy with Alaina's weight gain and said we could let her sleep as long as she will at night now. Whoo! I'm hoping for a good stretch tonight!

Everything else checked out wonderfully, too, and the doctor said Alaina looks perfect. Of course that's always wonderful to hear. I'm so happy that we've made it through the first two weeks. I feel like these weeks are always the hardest adjustment-wise. I feel like Alaina is finally starting to really get the hang of nursing, and hopefully we'll start getting more sleep. We are definitely still adjusting and figuring out a routine with 3 kids, but I feel like life is finally returning to normal, and that's a really good feeling. We are so thankful for our precious, healthy, growing baby! :)

So long, middle of the night alarm. You won't be missed!


Amy said...

so glad everything looks good! i agree...i always feel so proud when my babies gain weight - ha! and i am a "wake her up every three hours" the first 1-2 wks, too. then after that i let them sleep. (of course laney is still waking every three hours. oh boy...)
would love to see some pics of that sweet baby *hint* hint* ;-)

Jennifer said...

I woke my kids every 3 hours too during the day. They woke themselves at night. Way to go, Mama! I know that is such a relief that Alaina is growing so well. Thinking and praying for you during this transition. I cannot wait to hear if this was easier than bringing Jude home or if the third is the hardest.