Sunday, April 10, 2011

Week in Review: EARLY Mornings and Meltdowns

This week was started off great, but then Aubrey got a little sick and we had some ROUGH days. She threw probably the worst fits she has ever thrown in her life. I knew she wasn't feeling her best, but it was SO hard to be patient and loving when she was acting like that. I did just loose it a few times. She seems to be back to her sweet self now, and I'm SO HAPPY about that!

Sunday: We got ready and went to church and Sunday School. It was the last day of our Missions Conference, and we had another guest preacher. Sunday School was really good - we had two different missionaries speak to us. One of them was from Palmer Home for Children, and it was so sad to hear about what some kids go through. After church, we had a lunch at church for the Missions Conference. That was fun, and it was nice to not have to cook when we got home! :) We went home after lunch, and Jude was sleeping in his carseat, so we brought him in and just left him in there. David put Aubrey down for a nap, and I took a nap too. He said Aubrey never went to sleep, but Jude slept in his seat for a long time. Whatever works! We went back to church that evening, and then went to get pizza with the Arants after church. That was so fun, and we got home pretty late, so we put the kids right to bed. I got on the computer, and we ended up staying up way too late.

Monday: I woke up nervous because we were expecting bad weather that day. You know how I hate bad weather! We did have a good morning at home in spite of the severe weather threat.
Just a normal morning playing with Belle :-)

Rebekkah stopped by after lunch to give me her opinion on my curtain dilemma. (By the way, THANK YOU for your feedback on that! It was very helpful :) We talked for a little while, and then I put the kids down for a nap when she left. The bad weather was supposed to come early afternoon, but the estimated time kept getting pushed back. It worked out well that it came later because it didn't interfere with the kids' naps. The longer I waited for it to hit, though, the more nervous I got. Haha! I also put off going to the grocery store because I didn't want to get caught out in it. Since it didn't end up getting here until about 5:00, I didn't make it to the grocery store that day. We did end having a tornado warning here, and the kids and I spent some time in the bathroom waiting it out. We had some fun conversations while we were in there at least :-) The one good thing that came of the bad weather was that the power went out at our church, and so karate got cancelled and David was able to come home earlier than usual. When he got home, I ran to pick up some dinner since I never made it to the grocery store. We ended up having an unexpected evening at home, which was nice. We got the kids in the bed that night, and Rebekkah and I went to the gym. After we got home, I went to bed.

Tuesday: This was SUCH a busy but fun day! I got up early for Bible Study. We started a new study on Proverbs. I think it will be good, but we are just getting into it that day. After Bible Study, Rebekkah and I left and grabbed a quick lunch. We then went over to my grandparents' house. My mom and grandmother had offered to watch our kids so that Rebekkah and I could go get our hair cut. We went to my cousin Devin, and she cut both our hair. We also got our eyebrows waxed - much needed! ;-) I was so happy to get my hair freshened up! When we got back to my grandparents' house, the kids were playing and having a blast. Rebekkah and Carver headed home, and I left the kids with my mom and grandmother again and ran to Kroger. It's so much quicker when I get to go alone. We went home after that, and Aubrey fell asleep in the car. She was exhausted from skipping her nap. I cooked some taco soup for dinner when we got home, and then David got home. Rebekkah and I were going bathing suit shopping that night, so I got the kids situated with David and then left. We has so much fun shopping! We both tried on TONS of bathing suits and ended up taking several home each to get our husbands opinions. It's just so hard to find a cute, decent looking bathing suit! We ended up shopping until the mall was about to close! When I got home, Aubrey was in bed, and David was trying to give Jude a bottle. He wasn't having it, though. Jude has recently decided that he no longer likes bottles. I nursed him and put him to bed. I showed David the bathing suits after that, and then we went to bed.

Wednesday: Aubrey was up at the CRACK of dawn. Like, at 6 am. Ughh. Normally I would make her stay in her bed until 7, but I didn't want her yelling and waking Jude up, so we ended up getting up. She laid in my bed with me for a while, but then she was over it. We watched a movie and I laid on the couch. Haha! She was extremely fussy all morning. We got ready to meet Sarah Denley and Ann Peyton for lunch, and I about LOST IT several times Aubrey was being so awful. She was a little congested, so I figured she didn't feel great. The way she was behaving was still unacceptable, though, and we had a rough morning :( We did make it to lunch, thankfully! Aubrey was good while we were there - she really does usually cheer up when we get out of the house if she's having a bad day. I was glad to get to talk to SD and have fun after our trying morning :-) After lunch, the kids and I stopped at TJ Maxx and Old Navy on our way home. Aubrey and Jude both took naps when we got home. Thank goodness! Jude woke up first and he sat on the floor playing and smiling at Mommy :-)Aubrey was still asleep when David got home, and she woke up MAD. She was just inconsolable. Everything set her off. David felt sorry for me when he saw how she had been all day. Ha! We both felt bad for Aubrey, too, because she is not normally like that. We got ready and went to church. Aubrey was mad that she had to be strapped into her carseat. Then she realized she had left her beloved Belle at home, and oh my gosh. That was just tragic. She cried and cried and cried. It was pitiful. She acted ok when we got to church, but she was clingy to me. Rebekkah and I left church after dinner to go to the gym, and David drove the kids home. David had just gotten home from church when I got home. He took Aubrey upstairs for bed while I got Jude ready for bed. Aubrey was still in an awful mood and had many meltdowns before bed. It was nice when the house was finally quiet, not gonna lie! I enjoyed the quiet for a while before going to bed.

Aubrey was up at the crack of DAWN again. I don't know why she thinks it's acceptable to get up before the sun. I'm PRAYING this is just because she has been coughing, and when that goes away, so will this getting up at 6 am business :/ We had another not so fun morning. Aubrey was a bear. Thankfully, we had plans to get out of the house. We were going to meet Rebekkah and Carver to do some shopping. We got an early start so that we wouldn't mess up the kids' naptimes, and we shopped ALL morning. The kids did pretty well, all things considered. Jude didn't feel like napping in his stroller, so I had to get him out and carry him a while. We took a Chick Fil A lunch break and then shopped for a little longer until the kids had had enough. It was naptime immediately when we got home. Aubrey went to sleep without a peep, but Jude had a little trouble getting to sleep. We had to try a few times. He just wanted to stay up and play! When he finally did go to sleep, I cleaned out my closet and took out a TON of stuff to get rid of. Now my closet is pretty bare! Haha. Aubrey woke up as I was finishing up with that. Annnd, she had fever. That wasn't a total shock after the way she had been acting the past few days. The funny/weird part was that she was in such a SWEET mood when she was running fever. She was the most pleasant that she had been in days! I let her sit on the couch and watch Sleeping Beauty since she was sick, and I cooked some dinner. Jude woke up in a good mood, too :-) David skipped karate that night to spend some time with us and mow the grass. We ate dinner as soon as he got home. We noticed that Aubrey was wheezing, so we started breathing treatments. SO HOPING she grows out of that soon! David and Aubrey then went outside and did some yard work, and Jude and I stayed in and watched American Idol. We got the kids to bed a little later, and then I did a workout DVD since Rebekkah wasn't able to go to the gym that night. It was NOT fun! It was late and time for bed after that.

Friday: Aubrey SHOCKED me by sleeping until 8:00 that day! Jude had been sleeping until 8:30 and 9:00 all week, and wouldn't you know it, he was up at 7:30 that day?! Oh well - sleeping until 7:30 was MUCH better than 6! We stayed home all day and had a pretty boring day. Jude took a good morning nap, and Aubrey and I played and I did a little housework.

I painted Aubrey's fingernails and toenails, and they looked super cute! She was so still and sweet while I painted them and let them dry. I'm glad I took a picture, because when I bathed her that afternoon, the fingernail polish was GONE when she got out :-/

When it was time for Aubrey's nap, she wasn't having it. I guess sleeping until the late hour of 8 just made her not tired?? Ha! I kept having to tell her to stay quiet so that Jude could sleep, and I finally just gave up and got her out of bed. I gave her a bath and we played until David got home, and then we hung out and read some stories for a while :-)We went to dinner at Cheddar's that evening. After dinner we went to Ross, and I got a dress that I might use as my Easter dress. When we got home, we put the kids to bed. Aubrey has been on a mommy kick lately and insisted on me putting her to bed even though David always puts her to bed. It was kind of sweet, and of course I obliged her :-) Once Aubrey and Jude were both asleep, I got on the internet for a while, and then went to bed.

Saturday: David had a workday to go to at church that morning, so the kids and I were on our own. Aubrey actually slept until almost 9 - amazing!! Jude was up at about 8, but it was SO nice to be able to sleep that late.

We ate breakfast and then put our bathing suits on because we were going to play in our blowup pool in the backyard!

Aubrey looks SO OLD to me in these pictures! She was mesmerized by Beauty and the Beast on TV when I snapped these pics.

Jude was sitting on the floor, and Aubrey wanted him to "sit in her lap." She loves to sit like this.

Rebekkah and Carver came over to play in the pool with us. It was really fun to just sit and chat in the water while the kids played. We were hoping to get some sun, and I think we got a little. This was during Jude's morning nap, but he took a really short nap for some reason. When I realized that he wasn't going back to sleep, I brought his exersaucer out and put it in the shade, and he played in there and watched us happily. I didn't want to put him in the pool because the water was COLD. Aubrey and Carver loved playing in the water together :-)

Unfortunately, there was one causality in the pool fun: my PHONE. Aubrey chunked my phone in the water before I even realized what she was doing, and she thought it was hilarious. I took it apart and put it in a bowl of rice, and I just put it back together and I think it might have survived! Thank the Lord! I really wasn't thrilled about having to buy a new phone. Anyway, Rebekkah and Carver left when it was naptime, and we ate lunch and I took a shower. Then David was home. We talked to him for a while, and then we put the kids down for naps. I left when the kids were down and went to Kohls, Target, and Stein Mart. It was nice to be out by myself for a little while :-) When I got home, Aubrey was just waking up from her nap, and Jude was already up. We bathed the children and got them dressed.

Jude is sporting some Auburn attire ;-) He is also trying SO hard to crawl. I don't think I'm ready for that yet!!

We then went to eat Mexican and made our weekly Kroger run before heading home for bed.

So, that was our week! I'm hoping that we will be able to play outside in our pool some more this week. I'm pasty white and need some sun! Haha. Also, I'm HOPING that I might get to go meet a sweet new baby this week. Can you make that happen, SD? Haha.


Sarah Denley said...

Aubrey and Jude BOTH look so grown up this week. The ponytail? TOO MUCH! She's adorable and I want to paint AP's toenails so bad now!

Jennifer said...

Aubrey does look so grown-up. Hope your week gets off to a great start.

Amy said...

when i saw the title for your post, i thought maybe you had been at MY house all week - ha! we have had LOTS of early mornings and LOTS of meltdowns (unfortunately from Libbi AND me - ha!)
As frustrating as it is, I'm glad to know I'm not the only one that it happens to.
btw, LOVE the picture of the babies with their daddy reading to them - PRECIOUS!

Whitney said...

We have had early mornings, too, probably due to teeth and ears. Having to wake her up at 6:30 on school days probably isn't helping with Avery's rooster tendencies either. I don't know how you stand the tornado threats. I am so afraid of them even though they are rare here in Virginia.

Genevieve said...

Love reading your updates. I love the pictures of her pedi and mani, too cute! And I have to say I am a little jealous that your weather is warm enough for swimming already!! :)