Thursday, March 17, 2011

Family Fun

We are so enjoying the extra daylight since the time change. David has been taking the kids outside when he gets home from work, which is so nice because I'm able to get dinner cooking in peace ;-) The other day, I joined them outside once dinner was in the oven. I took the camera with me, and I'm glad I did!David said holding Jude like this was really uncomfortable on his back. Umm, yeah, that's what it felt like when he was inside me for 9 months. Ha! Not really ;-)My sweet, sweet baby.This is where things got interesting. We had a big rain the day before, and our yard basically had a river running through it. Aubrey went over and was dipping her foot into the water. At first we told her not to, but then we were like, what the heck? We decided that shoes will dry out, clothes can be washed, and she can be bathed. So we let her have fun. And took lots of pictures ;-)She was giggling the whole time. She loved it. We loved watching her. After a while, she decided she needed to take her wet clothes off. Then she played with Knightly. I had gone inside to check on dinner at this point. David is a little more laid back about Aubrey/Knightly play time that I am ;-) Again, she had fun, and she held her own with our crazy dog. Of course David was right there the whole time. I'll just ignore the fact that my child has her MOUTH on our filthy dog who lives OUTSIDE.It was a carefree, spontaneous night, and I'm so glad we decided to just go with it and let her play. There is a time and a place to just let loose and have FUN and enjoy life. I think that night was definitely a good time for that. How knows? Maybe next time we'll all play in the puddles :-)


Elizabeth Butler Blaine said...

LOVE this post.

Anonymous said...

Love that you let her play in the water. What a fun evening!

Nicole @ Nicole Clark blog said...

I love times like this!

Nathalie said...

What a fun post! It's so great to enjoy the little (and messy!) things in life :).