Sunday, February 20, 2011

Week in Review: A LOVEly Week

This really was a good week, but I feel like we were just SO busy! It seems like David and I hardly saw each other. It's sad, but I guess that's just the way it it sometimes. Jude TOOK NAPS this week. In his bed. It's really a miracle. We did discover Friday that he's sick, though. I'm hoping the naps and the sickness are unrelated. Ha! Anyway, here's our week:

We went to church and Sunday School, and it was good. I taught the little two year olds, and that's always so fun! :-) After church, we came home and had a broccoli and chicken casserole that I had cooking while we were at church. We took our usual naps after lunch! We went back to church that evening, and Aubrey was NOT excited about going in the nursery. She has started just having meltdowns when we drop her off :-( Just when you think you're past that stage, it pops up again. We went to dinner with the Arants, my brother John, and another couple after church. That was super fun, and it was late when we got home. The kids went straight to bed! David and Aubrey were both wearing blue and brown to church that morning, so we thought it would be a great photo op. Aubrey wasn't feeling it.

Monday: This was Valentine's Day, and it turned out to be such a fun day! We had planned to have lunch with David since our Monday nights are so busy. We got up and got ready and left to go meet David. We dropped some tags off at Rebekkah's house on our way to lunch for a consignment sale. We ate lunch at Julep, and it was SO good! Love their fried chicken! David and I were so happy to be with our little Valentines ;-) It really was fun to have lunch with the children for Valentine's Day (as opposed to doing something with just the two of us).
After lunch, David took the kids to his office to see his coworker, and I drove his car and dropped some clothes that I was consigning off at a sale. I then went to David's office to get the kids. David's office has moved recently, and this was our first time to go see him at work since they've moved. It was fun to see where he works now. We stayed for a little while (I had to feed Jude and change a couple of dirty diapers), and David gave me a Valentine's Day gift. He gave me the movie Eclipse (yay!) and a candle. He had also gotten a little candle for Aubrey. She LOVES smelling candles. So sweet!
The kids with David at his office. Aubrey was showing off her candle :-)

We headed home after that so the kids could take a nap and David could get some work done. Haha! Aubrey wouldn't sleep when we got home. I think she was just too wound up, and she was coughing :( She did stay in her bed for a while, so I got a little break. Jude took a short nap, as usual. My mom wasn't going to go to karate that night because my brothers were sick, so the kids and I stayed home, too. When I got Aubrey up, we went to Hobby Lobby and Kohl's. When I was loading the kids up, I remembered that I had signed up to take snacks for my dad's ministry the next day. It was dinner time, though, so I had to go home to feed the kids and just worry about going to the grocery store later. We ate leftovers for dinner when we got home. I had a cupcake mix at home, so I baked those for the snacks the next day and decided what else I wanted to take. I bathed both kids and read some of my Bible Study book while Aubrey played in the bathtub. I had the kids ready for bed when David got home, and he took Aubrey upstairs and put her to bed. I fed Jude and put him down and then went to get Rebekkah so we could go to the gym. We worked out, and then I took her home and went to Kroger to get snack stuff. By the time I got home, it was late, so I just iced the cupcakes and decided to assemble the other snacks (wraps) the next day. I finished reading my Bible Study chapter and went to bed.

Tuesday: Aubrey woke up early, but I didn't mind too much because I had to get up early anyway for Bible Study. I don't know how in the world it happened, but we managed to get to Bible Study EARLY! That's definitely a first. It was nice because I was able to drop the kids off in the nursery (Aubrey was not thrilled) and unload the snack stuff and still get in to Bible Study before it started. I enjoyed our study, and after it was over, we ate lunch at the church together. I assembled the wraps while we chatted after we ate. When I finished, it was time to come home for naps. Aubrey didn't have a problem going to sleep that day after getting up so early. She did cough a good bit during her nap, though. While she slept, I held Jude and watched some TV. I straightened up a little bit and defrosted some chicken for dinner. Aubrey woke up a little while before David got home, and she played while I got dinner started. When David got home, he took Aubrey and Jude outside to play. The weather was just PERFECT. I cooked chicken tortilla soup for dinner and ate a bowl before I had to leave to go to the consignment sale preview sale. That was the whole reason I had consigned stuff--so I could go to the preview sale. Ha! So, I was pretty pumped about it and hoped to find some good deals! Rebekah picked me up and we got there early. They were giving out numbers, so we got our number and then went to Starbucks to kill time. Then the door finally opened for the sale and things got CRAZY. Not really. It was crowded, but wasn't too intense. I found tons of cute stuff, but had to limit myself. I ended up getting 10 super cute outfits for Aubrey and Jude that I would never have paid retail price for. Sarah Denley was there too, and we all had fun looking at each other's stuff. When I got home, Aubrey was excited to see me and was super clingy. She wanted me to put her to bed, which is very unusual. David ALWAYS puts her to bed (unless he isn't home), but I happily obliged her. Guess she just missed me :-) When she was in bed, I fed Jude and put him to bed, too. David and I talked for a while and ended up staying up too late (as usual).

Wednesday: Aubrey woke up at 7. Jude had been up a couple of times in the night, and Aubrey had coughed a lot, so I was SO tired. I wasn't ready to get up at 7, but I had no choice. We had a very lazy day. We didn't leave the house. I started reading my book club book (Prep). The most exciting thing that happened all day was that Jude took a 50 minute nap in HIS BED! I mean, his actual crib located in his room upstairs. Ha! I was pretty excited about that. It was so nice to be able to fix Aubrey's lunch and have a little breather while he slept. When he was up, I gave Aubrey a bath, and then got her ready for her nap. She went down easily but was coughing. I took a shower and then laid down with Jude. I was so tired and had been planning on taking a nap since I got up. After only about 20 minutes, Aubrey started coughing and crying. Jude was asleep, so I jumped up and turned the monitor off so it wouldn't wake him. I went to check on her, and she went back to sleep. I was afraid to go back in my room and turn the monitor on because I didn't want her coughing to wake Jude up. I ended up just laying on the couch for a little while where I could hear both kids if they woke up. I dozed a little and then got up to get ready for church. Jude slept for 2 hours in my bed. I think he slept more that day than he has in a very long time! Aubrey ended up taking a good nap in spite of the coughing. When David got home, he helped me get the kids ready and we went to church.
David took Jude's monthly pictures for me, and Aubrey wanted to join in. That's chocolate on her face, by the way.

We had fun at church, but I didn't put the kids in the nursery since they had runny noses. After church, David took the kids home, and I rode with Rebekkah to a friend's house. She was showing us how to make handmade cards, and it was so fun! We had fun sitting around crafting and talking :-) We left when it started to get late, and Jude was waiting for me to eat. I fed him, and he went to sleep. After being so sleepy all day, I ended up staying up late.

Thursday: We had a better night, and Aubrey and Jude slept until 8, so I felt much more rested when I got up. We got ready and met Rebekkah and Carver at the park in our neighborhood. The weather has been so beautiful and spring-like lately that we've been wanting to get out and enjoy it! We walked for a long time and then let the kids play. Aubrey loves swinging and sliding! When we finished playing, we all went to lunch at Chick Fil A. It was good! We came home, and I fed Jude and put Aubrey down for a nap. I fed Jude solids and then held him and played with him for a while. I then put him in his bed, and he went to sleep and took another nap in his bed. This is huge for him, and I'm PRAYING we've turned a corner! We weren't going to karate that night again since my mom wasn't going to be there, so when the kids woke up from their naps, we got ready and went to Hancock Fabrics. I'm on a mission to find curtains and/or fabric for curtains for our living room/kitchen, and it's proving to be a challenge. We went to Bed, Bath, and Beyond next. By that point, it was getting close to dinner time, so we came home to eat and play for a while. When David got home from karate, we talked for a minute, and then I got ready to go to the gym and David put Aubrey to bed. I fed Jude and put him to bed and then went to pick up Rebekkah so we could go to the gym. We had fun, but Aubrey was STILL awake when I got home. Apparently she had been having some difficulties getting to sleep. David and I talked, Aubrey finally went to sleep, and we went to bed.

Friday: David had taken my car to have it worked on that day, and the carseats were in my car, so I knew it was going to be a day at home. I wanted to be really productive and make the most of being at home all day. Aubrey and Jude both woke up earlier than I was hoping, and Jude was pretty fussy :( He did end up taking a one hour morning nap in his bed, though. While he slept, I got some stuff done like dusting and straightening. I even vacuumed our living room rug. It was about lunchtime when Jude woke up, so we ate and then I bathed Aubrey and read some of my book club book. Then I put Aubrey down for her nap and played with Jude before his afternoon nap. He took his longest nap in his bed yet -- 2 hours!! I got so much done while both kids slept. I was able to get myself ready, sweep, finish dusting, clean up the mess from lunch, and clear away some clutter. I so enjoyed the quiet time. When David got home, we talked for a while and then went to dinner. We tried a new place and liked it. It was nice to have some family time. We were so busy all week that David and I realized that was the first meal we had eaten together since Monday lunch! Sad. I decided to skip going shopping the next day so that we could spend some more time together. We went to Target on our way home. We realized that Jude had fever that evening. I was sad that he was sick and worried that his good naps lately have just been because of that. We gave him Tylenol and put both kids to bed. David and I then watched Eclipse together. Toward the end of the movie, Jude was fussing off and on and sleeping really restlessly, and I figured it was going to be a long night.

Saturday: It was a long night, but not quite as bad as I had feared. After getting up multiple times to soothe Jude when he fussed, I finally just put him in our bed so that I didn't have to get up every time he woke up. We gave him Tylenol all through the night, and he felt pretty warm every time he woke up. Poor baby! Aubrey woke up at 7:15, and David got up with her. Jude woke up shortly after that, and I was really hoping he would go back to sleep. He didn't, so we got up around 8. David and I went back and forth for a long time about whether we should take Jude to the doctor or just watch him. I finally decided to take him just to have his ears checked. He's had a runny nose for a while, but this was the first time he's ever had fever. Better safe than sorry! I called and got him an appointment at 12. We just hung around until time for me to leave to go to the doctor. We had to wait forever once we got there. Jude's ears were fine, thankfully! The doctor said it could be a sinus infection. She said to give it a few more days to see if he improves and, if not, to start him on an antibiotic. I'm hoping to avoid that, but so far, he's not better. When we got home, Jude had fallen asleep in his carseat, and Aubrey was napping, so I ran an errand. When I got home, I fed Jude. Aubrey was still sleeping, so I ran to another store. I'm still on the hunt for curtains. I found some beautiful ones at this store... for $300 per panel!! I need 12-14 panels (at least), so I think NOT. Ugh. When I got home, we got the kids ready and went to dinner at a Mexican place. We got not-so-great service, so it was more stressful than fun. Oh well. We went to Kroger after that, and put the kids to bed when we got home.

Poor little Jude is still running fever :( I hate that he's feeling bad, and he isn't his usual happy self. Praying that he feels better soon and that Aubrey stays fever free!


Jennifer said...

Poor Jude. I hope he is feeling better this morning. We need spring to come come clear out all the winter germs. Great news to hear Jude is sleeping so well for you. Maybe he got in the habit while feeling a bit under the weather. Aubrey and Jude look so cute in all the pictures. I love seeing that sibling relationship develop.

Amy said...

yay for jude taking naps!! hopefully it will continue even after he starts feeling better.....
the pics of aubrey lovin' on jude are SO cute! and i love her little pigtails in the valentine's picture. :)
hope everyone is feeling better!!