Sunday, December 19, 2010

Week in Review: Parties, Anniversary, and Croup

We had a crazy busy beginning of the week, and then a pretty low-key, boring end of the week because Aubrey got sick :( I'm glad we're getting sickness out of our system (hopefully!) this week, so we can all be well for Christmas!!

Sunday: We went to church and Sunday School. It was a COLD day, and I was glad I had cooked some chili for us to eat for lunch when we got home! After lunch and our usual Sunday afternoon naps, we went to night church. We had a special Christmas service of "Lessons and Carols." I really enjoyed the Christmas music! After church, we went to dinner. We went to a Mexican restaurant, but when we got there, there was a sign on the door saying they were about to close :( So we loaded back up and drove on to the next Mexican restaurant. Hahah, good thing we have options! When we got home, the kids went to bed, and I watched Sarah Palin's Alaska.

Monday: This ended up being a stressful day, for some reason. I don't know why, but I just felt really rushed all day. It was totally dumb, because I didn't have anything pressing to do. It was just one of those days, I guess. Once we all got up, we got ready and met Rebekkah and Carver at Wal-Mart. Our Bible Study was doing a little Christmas party for the boys in my dad's ministry the next day, and Rebekkah and I had volunteered to do the decorating. We needed to get our supplies, so we started at Wal-Mart. We found a few things we could use, but not enough, so we decided to go to Hobby Lobby. It was lunchtime by this point, so we went to Chick-Fil-A first. We had a fun lunch, but then it happened: I hit a car trying to back out of the parking lot! The Chick-Fil-A parking lot is always a MAD-house, and that day was no exception. I was pulling out of my parking space, and a lady was pulling into the parking lot, and we just collided. Thankfully, I was barely moving, so there wasn't any real damage. The lady was nice about it, but I was pretty much mortified. Ughh. After that "adventure", we went to Hobby Lobby. We found everything else we would need to decorate, but the kids were pretty tired and ready for their naps by this point, so we had to get out of there fast! When we got home, I was getting ready to take Aubrey upstairs for her nap, and she was asking for her baby. That's when I realized that Aubrey's beloved baby doll that she always sleeps with was gone. She took the baby into Hobby Lobby with us, and apparently she left her there. She asked for the baby several times, but I just told her we lost her at the store. I thought it was going to be way more traumatic than it was. Aubrey didn't really nap that day, so I don't know if that had anything to do with the missing baby or not. (By the way, the baby hasn't been seen since.) Jude didn't take a very good nap, either, so that wasn't the best afternoon. Our laundry basket was literally overflowing, but I only got one load of laundry done. I was just frustrated and overwhelmed. Since neither of the kids were really sleeping, we just went to church a little early. During karate, we went to Target. When we got home from church, David and I had a gourmet dinner of frozen pizza after the kids were in bed. We talked about our days and then went to bed.

Tuesday: This was a CRAZY busy day! It started early with me getting up and getting ready for Bible Study. This is the Bible Study that meets once a month and it's mostly sweet older ladies that attend. We were having our Christmas luncheon that day, and it was at someone's house. There was nursery provided for the children at church, so I had to drop Aubrey and Jude off first. I was running late and kind of frazzled by the time I got to church (What else is new? Ha). Rebekkah and I rode to the luncheon together. Our assistant pastor was there and did a little wrap-up of everything we had learned that year in the study we had been going through. After the lesson, it was time for lunch. It was supposed to be a salad lunch, and everyone brought a salad or dessert. Remember I said it was mostly sweet older ladies in the study? When we went through the line to get our food, it was literally ALL jello molds and congealed salads. Not ONE green salad or pasta salad to be found. Now, I really can't say anything because I didn't even bring anything. I had the best of intentions, but then my day got crazy the day before, and I never made it to the grocery store. So at least everyone else brought something! It was just funny, though. When I think "salad lunch", I think pasta salad, green salad, chicken salad, maybe even fruit salad. Apparently these ladies think jello! My plate was full of every color jello you can imagine ;) However, the fellowship was sweet, and I really enjoy being in a Bible Study with older Christian ladies. They are so wise, and I love hearing their perspective on things. Rebekkah and I had to kind of rush out towards the end, because I needed to get back to the church to feed Jude. By the time we finished our lunch and got back to church, there was no time for us to go home and then come back to decorate for the party, so we had decided we would just stay at church all day. Whew! We fed the kids lunch and then got to decorating. It was a little tough and everything took 3x's as long with 3 exhausted children. Rebekkah and I enjoy doing that kind of stuff, though, and we work well together, so we did have fun. My mom and brothers came later that afternoon, and they were able to help a LOT with the kids when they got there. We finished the decorating and other ladies came with food and supplies just in the nick of time for the party. We had pizza for the boys and they played a game and decorated sugar cookies. We also all went in together and got them Bibles. They all really enjoyed it, and my dad was very appreciative. I think the decorations turned out pretty cute, too:David had come to church after he got off work, and I'm glad he did, because Aubrey was SO tired and grumpy by that point. We had some girls from the youth group watching our kids while we did the party, but David was able to play with Aubrey and keep her from being TOO whiny for the babysitters! By the time we cleaned up and left church, I think it was around 6:30. We had been at church from 9:30 AM to 6:30 PM. Wow! We were all pretty tired! My jello lunch had worn off long ago, but I was too tired to cook, so we went to Mazzios for dinner. When we got home, we put the kids to bed early and just relaxed.

Wednesday: Happy Anniversary to us! This was our 4 year anniversary :) The kids and I had a VERY uneventful day at home, which was what we needed after our busy day. We never even left the house until that evening. I was able to get some stuff done around the house, so that was good! Aubrey took a good nap, but Jude wouldn't really get into a deep sleep. I knew he needed to sleep, so I ended up laying down with him in my bed, and we both took a nap together! It was nice, and we both slept very well ;) We got up when Aubrey woke up, and I put on makeup and started getting the kids ready, too. David and I had a date that night, and we had decided to make it a family date! We had a Sunday School party to go to Friday night, and I knew I would need a bottle for that, and I never got a chance to pump another bottle for that night. So, we thought the easiest thing to do would just be to take the kids out with us for our anniversary. At first I wasn't sure about that, but it ended up being really fun! Thankfully, we love being around our kids, so we were happy to have them with us. We ate at Biaggi's and then we went to Barnes and Noble where I fed Jude in the bathroom. Haha. We looked at books for a while, and Aubrey and I both got a book. It was getting late by this point, so we went home. We noticed that Aubrey's nose was starting to run when we got home, and I figured she was probably getting sick. We had a great anniversary!

Thursday: Aubrey woke up earlier than she has in a LONG time so we got dressed to go run errands. We went to Ross and Target. Aubrey's nose was extremely runny and yuck. When we left Target, we ran by Rebekkah's house to pick up some Christmas shirts for Aubrey and Jude that a friend from church had appliqued for them. Rebekkah had one done for Carver, too, so she picked up Aubrey and Jude's for me. We went home and ate lunch, and then I put Aubrey down for a nap. Jude was sleeping pretty well, too, and all was peaceful for a short while. Then Aubrey woke up from her nap early. As soon as I went into her room, I knew she had croup. I could tell by her awful sounding cough and the way she was breathing. I called the doctor, and they wanted me to bring her in. So, we loaded up (Aubrey was having a MELTDOWN by this point because she just didn't feel well) and went to the doctor. Thankfully, David left work a few minutes early and met us there. Aubrey was so happy to see her daddy, and I was glad David was there to help me manage both kids. The doctor said everything else looked good, but Aubrey did have croup. He gave us a prescription for "croup attacks" and said we could give it to her anytime she gets croup and we didn't even have to take her in next time. That was nice! (By the way, our pediatrician is off on Thursdays, and Aubrey ALWAYS gets sick on Thursdays. We literally haven't seen our own doctor for anything other than checkups for Jude since early MAY. Sad because I really like our doctor, and I don't like seeing someone different every time.) Anyway, David took the kids home after we left the doctor and I went to get Aubrey's prescription filled. It took forever. By the time I got home, it was almost time to leave for karate, but we decided we would all stay home that night. I cooked beef pot pie for dinner, and we just ate and hung out together and went to bed early. It ended up being a nice night.

Friday: We were supposed to have lunch with Sarah Denley and Ann Peyton, but I had to cancel since Aubrey was still under the weather :( We had to give Aubrey her medicine twice during the night, but she sounded MUCH better that morning. Her nose was still running like crazy, and Jude's nose had started to run too. We made a quick run to the grocery store that morning but stayed home other than that. Aubrey took a pretty good nap, but she was coughing a good bit. Hate that! At least it wasn't a croupy cough. I took a shower and got ready while they napped. When David got home, he entertained the kids while I finished getting ready. My mom and two of my brothers came over to babysit while David and I went to our Sunday School party. We had a fun time! We didn't stay too late, and my mom had both of the kids asleep when we got home :) They had had fun, too. We talked to my mom and brothers for a while and then they left. David and I got ready for bed after that, and Jude woke up hungry as soon as I had pumped. Of course. So, we had to heat up a bottle and feed him. He didn't really want to go back to sleep after that, and by the time we finally got him settled, it was after 1. He woke up several times through the night; I think it was because he couldn't breathe.

Saturday: David and Aubrey went and ran errands that morning, and Jude and I slept in. We got ready to go shopping. I was determined to finish our Christmas shopping! (I didn't completely finish it, but I only have a few more things to get.) Jude and I met my mom for lunch and then went to the mall. Apparently everyone was trying to finish their shopping, too, because it was super crowded! Jude was kind of fussy all day, so my mom and I ended up taking turns holding him a lot of the time. By the time we finished shopping and got home, Jude and I both needed a nap. Haha. We went to dinner instead, though. We ate Chinese and then went to the grocery store. When we got home, we put the kids to bed.

I stayed home with the kids this morning while David went to church. Aubrey was wheezing today, so we've had to do several breathing treatments. I'm sad about that because we haven't had to do breathing treatments in AGES. Hopefully we will get well soon and be all ready for Christmas! I can't believe Christmas is SATURDAY!


Jennifer said...

I am laughing at your Jello lunch. That is so hysterical and typical of sweet older ladies. I was thinking you were going to describe delicious chicken salad and delectable pasta salad too. Jello does not exactly fill you up. Hope Aubrey is feeling better. It's always something!

Amy said...

Hope Aubrey is feeling better! Libbi just had croup sad! It's scary how fast it comes on, but then thankfully it leaves almost just as fast (At least ours did). Love reading your weekly updates, the jell-o lunch was my favorite - too funny!! so sorry about your accident, too - i'm impressed you still went to hobby lobby afterwards - i think that would have done me in for the week - ha!