We had a good week! I had several things to do in the evenings, but we didn't do a ton during the day. It was good that we didn't have a lot planned since Aubrey got a little sick toward the end of the week.
Sunday: We went to church and Sunday School. We came home for lunch, and then Aubrey refused to take a nap. This was the first time she had done this in a while, and I was REALLY hoping she wasn't going to start skipping naps again. I thought she might be teething, so I blamed it on that. We went to church early that afternoon to help Rebekkah set up for a banquet we were having after church for the graduating seniors. It turned out really nice. After church and the banquet, we came home and put Aubrey straight to bed. She was SO tired!
Monday: Aubrey made up for skipping her nap the day before by sleeping until 9:30. We had a very lazy day at home. Aubrey was pretty high-maintenance and fussy, so keeping her happy took most of my time. Her gums were red and swollen, so I think that was the cause of her not-so-happy mood. She took a good nap, which was a relief. I just enjoyed the quiet while she slept ;) David came home that afternoon, and I left shortly after to go to a girl's night with Ashley and Sarah Denley. (Pictures coming soon.) Ashley was moving THURSDAY so this was the last time we were going to see her for a while :( We didn't get sad or sappy though, we just had fun :) We ate dinner at Bonefish and then went to Barnes and Noble for dessert and talking. After that we went over to Ashley's house and hung out way too late ;) After our super fun night, I went home and went to bed!
Tuesday: We got up and went to Bible Study at church. It was good, and we stayed for a picnic lunch on the playground afterwards. HOT! Aubrey had fun though. She refused to take a nap when we got home :( She did stay in her bed for an hour talking though, so I still got a little down time. After she got up, we just played all afternoon. When David got home, we went on a walk. It had rained that afternoon and cooled it down outside enough to make a walk bearable. When we got home, I got ready to go to dinner for a friend's birthday from church. We went to one of my favorite places -- Amerigo! It was so good and fun! I felt bad going out 2 nights in a row, but my SUPER sweet husband assured me it was ok. :) Aubrey was in bed when I got home, but we had a rough night. She cried out MANY times all through the night. David and I never had to go into her room, but it was just enough to ensure we didn't get much sleep :/ It turns out she was coming down with a cold, and I don't think she could breathe very well.
Wednesday: After our night of little sleep, Aubrey woke up for the day at 6AM. Ughhh, I was so tired! She was in a pretty decent mood considering she hadn't gotten a good nights sleep. We hung out at home all day. She was pretty snotty, and got more and more fussy as the morning wore on. I just did everything I could to keep her entertained and PRAYED she would take a nap. She did! She slept for 3 1/2 hours, and she really needed it! I did too! Thank you, Lord. She seemed to feel better after she woke up and didn't have fever, so we went to church. We met David there. We didn't put Aubrey in the nursery because of her cold. My dad played on the playground with her instead.
Thursday: Aubrey decided we should start our day at 6:45. Not my favorite. I had an OB appointment that morning, so we had plenty of time to get ready for that! My appointment went well. We're officially counting down now -- 8 more weeks to go! After we got home from the doctor, Aubrey took a nap, and I fell asleep on the couch too! Aubrey woke up grumpy from her nap. Nothing could make her happy. She seemed to be feeling pretty crummy from her snotty nose, and she was drooling everywhere. I tried to be extra patient with her her since she wasn't feeling well. David got home, and we tried to talk over the fussing. Aubrey perked up for a little while when we went to karate. My mom, Aubrey, and I went to TJ Maxx and Marshalls. Aubrey was pretty bad. She was just obviously not feeling well. She was starting to feel warm. When we got home and checked her temperature, it was 101.1. Poor baby.
Friday: Aubrey coughed all through the night, but she actually slept ok. Her cough was that seal cough, so I'm pretty sure she has croup. She had given me her cold, and I woke up with my throat killing me. If this is how her throat has been feeling, I can see why she has been drooling everywhere. Haha. We decided not to take her to the doctor because it seems she just has a cold/croup, so we're just going to let it hopefully run it's course. Aubrey and I had a very low-key day at home. Pretty much the only thing I accomplished all day was to make homemade oatmeal chocolate chip cookies ;) When it came time for Aubrey's nap, she talked in her crib for a long time and then cried. She just would not go to sleep in her bed. I went upstairs and rocked her, and she fell asleep. I think being more upright helped her breathe. After about 30 minutes, my legs were going to sleep, so I stood up to attempt to put her in her bed. Of course she woke up and wouldn't go back to sleep after that, but the cat nap was better than nothing. David got home from work a little early, which was very nice after a long day. Aubrey seemed to be feeling better, so we decided to go to Lowes to get some blinds for Aubrey's room. They didn't have the size we needed there. We also went to Hobby Lobby and Target. We ate dinner while we were out, but Aubrey's mood was deteriorating fast! We came home and put her to bed. I went outside and weeded our flower beds for a little while. They REALLY need it, but it's way too hot to do during the day. The temperature is better at night, but I couldn't really see what I was doing in the dark, so I didn't get a ton done. After I came in, I read my book and then went to bed.
Saturday: I wanted to go to a fabric store, and I was planning to take Aubrey so David could get stuff done at home. Since Aubrey isn't well though, I wasn't sure about getting her out. I decided to take her anyway since we were meeting my mom and grandmother there. My grandmother kept her outside away from people almost the whole time. I got the rest of the fabric I needed for Jude's bedding! My grandmother is going to start on that soon. Yay! After the fabric store, Aubrey and I just came home and ate lunch. Aubrey had fever, so we gave her medicine and put her to bed. She didn't really sleep well though. My mom and grandmother came over that afternoon to help us paint. We almost finished Aubrey's room. We are planning to finish it Monday. Tonight, we've just been at home since Aubrey isn't feeling well. We hung some candle sconces in our living room, and we hung the window treatments in Aubrey's room. I'm getting ready to head to the grocery store so we will have food tomorrow :)
David and I will be taking turns staying home from church with Aubrey tomorrow. Hopefully she will get well soon so we don't have to take a trip to the doctor next week. I'm hoping I get over my cold quickly too. It's no fun!
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