Saturday, January 30, 2010

Week in Review: Sleep Strike!

We had a pretty good week, all in all. Aubrey was sick and was way off her schedule, but it wasn't too bad. We stayed pretty busy in spite of her being sick. Here is what we did:

Aubrey had had an awful night Saturday night, so I stayed home from church with her while David went. Aubrey and I didn't have very much fun since she wasn't feeling well, and we were both tired. I cooked lunch so we could eat as soon as David got home. David was going to watch the football games on Sunday afternoon, so I took a nap while he watched the games and attempted to get Aubrey to take a nap. She finally ended up taking a short one. I went to church that night and David and Aubrey stayed home. Sunday night was another rough right sleep-wise.

Monday: Aubrey slept pretty late, but not as late as I was hoping considering she didn't go to bed until midnight! We hung out at home Monday morning. I did some laundry and general straightening up. I gave Aubrey a bath which made her feel a little better. I had a dentist appointment that afternoon, and Aubrey went to play with her grandmother and uncles since my dentist's office is in my parents' neighborhood. Aubrey had fun, and I didn't have any cavities :) Unfortunately, my dentist appointment was right in the middle of naptime, so Aubrey didn't get a nap that day. (That's what happens when you make appointments 6 months in advance!) Even though Aubrey was under the weather, we decided to go to karate with David anyway. I knew Aubrey would be tired and cranky if we stayed home, but she was in a great mood while we ran an errand. We went to Dillards with my mom and brother. On the way home from karate, we picked up pizza for dinner. Praise the Lord, Aubrey went to sleep easily that night!

Tuesday: I woke up around 6AM to Aubrey coughing. She wasn't awake, just coughing almost constantly and I could hear it loudly through the monitor. Finally at around 6:45 I got up and asked David if he thought she would go back to sleep if he slipped in and gave her cough medicine. We both thought she would go back to sleep since it was still so early. WRONG! She was up for the day after that. Believe me, I was kicking myself! I would rather lay in the bed and doze between coughs than be up and playing with a wide awake baby that early! It worked out for the best though, because I was able to call Aubrey's doctor early and get her in earlier than I otherwise would have. After our trip to the doctor, we went to Target to get her prescriptions filled. Then we headed home, ate lunch, and attempted to nap. Aubrey wasn't having it though, so we skipped naptime again! Ughh. I could have gone for a nap myself. We went to the grocery store instead, and when we got back Daddy was home! Aubrey played with David while I cooked dinner. After dinner we hung out and watched American Idol and then put Aubrey to bed early.

Wednesday: Aubrey slept great but woke up early :( I was sad. We got ready and met David at the chiropractor. I didn't want to go in because the last time we took Aubrey she kinda freaked out and I had to hold her down while the chiropractor adjusted her. I thought she would do better and let David hold her this time if I wasn't there. So I ran to Books-A-Million during her appointment. I literally walked in the door and David texted me that they were done. So I went right back to pick Aubrey up. David said she did great and didn't even cry much this time. Aubrey and I came home after that and had lunch. Then we attempted naptime. It didn't go so well. In case you're counting, this was day number 3 that she skipped her nap. I was determined to get her to sleep at least a little though, so I laid in my bed and put her on my chest and she finally went to sleep for an hour. I don't know what's up with the sleep strike, but I don't like it one bit. After "naptime" we played until David got home. He was sweet enough to stay home with Aubrey and let me go to church that night.

Aubrey slept until almost 10! Guess all the nap skipping was wearing her out. I had an OB doctor's appointment, so I was able to get ready while she slept. She slept so late though, I ended up being a little late. I just hated to wake her up since she hadn't been sleeping great. My appointment went well! The baby has a good heartbeat. At my next appointment on February 23rd, we should be able to find out the gender! So excited! After my appointment we came home and tried naptime. It was a no go once again :( So we went outside to play instead. We were outside playing when David got home, so he and Aubrey stayed outside for a while and I went in and put some soup in the crockpot for dinner. After a while we went to karate. Aubrey and I and my mom went to Target. After karate we came home, put Aubrey to bed, and ate dinner.

Friday: Aubrey woke up at 7:15. How can she be so inconsistent?! This no schedule thing is really driving me batty. We had lunch with Ashley and Evy and Sarah Denley. Ann Peyton didn't come because she was sick. Aubrey missed her little friend. I lost my keys and freaked out because I thought I had locked them in the car. SD held Aubrey while I went outside in the POURING rain to see if I saw them in my car. I didn't see them, but I did succeed in getting drenched. After getting the poor owner to look through the trash for me, I finally found my keys. In my purse. Yeah, I felt like an idiot. I didn't have high hopes for naptime after we got home, but guess what?? Aubrey took a nap in her bed! I think it was a combination of being exhausted and the fact that her room was pitch dark because it was raining. Whatever it was, it was SO nice. What did I do with my glorious free time? I took a nap too. I love naps on cold, rainy days! After we woke up, I straightened up the house, and then we met my mom, brother, and grandparents for dinner. David and my dad were at a Men's Conference. My grandfather hadn't seen Aubrey since Christmas, and he had been wanting to come over and see the progress we have made on our house (not much). So after dinner they came over and hung out for a while. They left when it was time for Aubrey to go to bed.

Saturday: I got up and met two girls from church to go fabric shopping! We went to Brookhaven (about an hour away) where you can get cheap, cheap fabric. We ate lunch in Brookhaven and then went to the fabric store. I found fabric for drapes for our living room and kitchen and fabric to recover the cushions on our kitchen chairs. I ended up getting 42 yards of fabric! Good thing it's cheap :) Now hopefully I can get these curtains made ASAP! It was late afternoon by the time I got home. David and Aubrey had gone over to his parent's house for a while and she was napping when I got home. Yay for another nap! Hopefully we're getting back on track with the naps. Tonight my grandmother took David, Aubrey and I and my family out to dinner. We had a LONG wait and Aubrey got pretty antsy, but we had fun. After dinner was our usual Saturday night Kroger run.

So that was our week! Aubrey seems to be feeling better, so hopefully next week is better schedule-wise!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

I just love reading these :)