I'm 13 weeks pregnant now! (I have no clue why my pregnancy ticker says 12 weeks 6 days. I think it's jammed because Thursday is my weekly rollover!) That means I'm in the second trimester. What an exciting milestone! I haven't really talked much about my pregnancy thus far because really there just isn't much to report. No news is good news! I have been feeling good still. I'm SO thankful that I have such easy pregnancies. I know that is a
huge blessing and I try not to take it for granted. I'm trying to enjoy this pregnancy as much as I enjoyed my first pregnancy. Yes, I'm one of those annoying women who actually enjoys being pregnant :) That DOESN'T mean that I don't feel fate and ugly sometimes, get uncomfortable, and yes, I was just plain
over being pregnant by the end last time. But I am just in awe of the whole pregnancy process, and I really loved it last time. I used to wonder if I would still find it as amazing the second time around. Well, the answer seems to be yes and no. I still think it's a wonderfully amazing thing that there is a little tiny baby growing inside of me -- God is literally knitting a child together in my womb right now. Wow. However, the novelty of being pregnant is just not something I think about a lot. Having an active toddler keeps me pretty busy. When I was pregnant with Aubrey it was always on my mind. This time, I may go a whole day where I don't even sit and think about the fact that I'm pregnant. It's not like I forget or anything, it's just not something I dwell on. It definitely doesn't mean I'm any less excited about this baby though!
I'm also discovering that it's true what they say about showing sooner with your second child. I feel like I'm already at the awkward stage where I just look fat. It's ok though... thankfully, scarves are in style, so I wear a lot of them to hide the belly! :) I only want to hide it because it doesn't look like a pregnant belly at this point. I don't mind showing at all -- I actually look forward to it! Here is my 13 week belly shot. (Excuse the fact that I'm looking a little rough.)

It's also true what they say about taking less pictures of your second child. We took a belly shot every single week with Aubrey starting at 5 weeks. I'm embarrassed to say that this is my first belly shot of this baby :-/ We are determined to take as many pictures after he or she is born! And we're planning on doing better on the belly shots from here on out.
Because I'm a bit of a worrier, I decided to rent a fetal heart doppler for a month so we could listen to the baby's heart beat at home. I have really enjoyed it! It's so nice to be able to hear that sweet sound whenever I want to.
For some reason I have found it a lot harder to remember to take my prenatal vitamins this time around too. I'm supposed to take them twice a day and I forget to take them in the mornings a good bit. Terrible! I almost always remembered to take my prenatal vitamins with Aubrey.
After reading this post it probably sounds like I don't love this baby as much as I love Aubrey (don't think about the pregnancy as much, don't take as many pictures, forget to take my vitamins...) but that certainly isn't true! I think it just boils down to the fact that I'm busier this time. I do still think about the baby and wonder if it's a boy or a girl. I think about how excited I am to feel a little kick for the first time. I think about Aubrey and this baby playing together. And I NEVER forget that this baby is a miracle just like every baby. I'm very thankful for both of my little miracles :)
I have no doubt that you already love baby number 2 as much as you love Aubrey. Like you said, you are much busier now. When you were pregnant with Aubrey, you could completely focus on your pregnancy. Now you have the lovely distraction of your sweet girl while being pregnant AND managing your move.
You look so cute! I rented to fetal doppler too and oh what a blessing it was!!
You look beautiful! Don't you dare feel any different! :) Love the new blog look!
You look very pretty! I showed sooner with Layton (my second) and it took me forever to show with my third...so strange! I think every pregnancy is just so different.
I am glad that you are feeling good, that will make it so much easier to take care of a toddler and yourself :)
I know what you mean about worrying about favoring one over the other-I worried each pregnancy! But, in the end you will adore both just the same :)
You beautiful. Congratulations on making it to your second trimester!
Hi! You don't know me, but I feel like I know you through reading Ashley and Sarah Denley's blogs--I have been reading about you for so long now that I thought I should say hi! Congrats on sweet baby #2--so exciting!
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