We had a wonderful day today celebrating Aubrey. There were a few times when I got really stressed out and almost had a meltdown (the cake did NOT turn out the way to was supposed to -- story to come) . But in the midst of the rush to get everything ready for the party, I really tried to just be thankful for such a sweet, beautiful, HEALTHY baby. God has been so good to us! We took TONS of pictures. (I say "we" but I really mean DAVID!) When I say tons I mean over 700. Seriously. So, needless to say, I haven't had a chance to look through all of them and decide which ones to post. But stay tuned for a party recap and pictures. They'll be coming soon. By the way, Aubrey woke up this morning fever free. Yay! So she felt good and was able to enjoy her big day!
I wanted to post a slide show that we made (actually a friend made it for us) and showed at the birthday party of Aubrey's first year, but it's on a DVD and we couldn't figure out how to put it on the computer. Poor David spent FOREVER trying to make it work. Hopefully we'll figure it out soon, and we will post it. Instead I'll close with a couple of pictures from the last year!
December 2008 -- 3 months old

March 2009 -- 6 months old

Aubrey's outfit is so cute! I hope she had a fun party.
Happy Birthday to Aubrey! Glad she was feeling better for her party!
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