I'm sad to announce that Aubrey has developed a habit that I hoped she never would: PICKY EATING! She used to be such a good little eater. She would eat pretty much anything we put in her mouth. Unfortunately, those days seem to be gone. She has recently decided that she wants nothing to do with vegetables. This is the face I see when attempting to get her to eat her veggies.

Oh, did I forget to mention that she spits them everywhere (i.e. my face) when I try to get her to eat them? I can still get her to eat baby food green beans. That's about the only vegetable she'll eat right now. She'll eat some table food when the mood strikes her. But never assume that just because she liked something today she'll like it tomorrow. Oh no. That would be way too predictable for Aubrey.
We also need to work on our table manners. You see, Aubrey likes to kick back and relax when she eats.

We've got our work cut out for us turing this one into a proper Southern Belle who doesn't spit food all over the place and put her feet on the table! ;o)
She's a very adorable picky eater :)
LOVE the pictures!! Ava has not been eating well lately, either! She went through a phase where she was spitting food in my face, too! lol
I don't blame her at all! Baby food veggies taste terrible! Haha. She is really cute with a green face, though.
Hey I found your blog from the Lancasters. My little girl has just started doing all these exact same things! It is funny how they can be so similar yet so different. Just thought I would share!
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