Friday, August 15, 2008

Our Birth Plan

We are really in the home stretch now. As David said in the last post, thanks to our wonderful friends and family, we now have all the essentials. It's kind of a weird feeling to not have a list a mile long of things we still need to do or buy before she comes. There are still a few odds and ends we need to do like washing all of her clothes (she has a LOT!) and bedding. We also have to put the car seat in the car. I think David has it figured out, but I didn't want to put it in this early. There are still a few things left to do in the nursery, but they are just aesthetic things. We got our painting that we ordered the other day, but we haven't hung it. I will post pictures when we do. I also need a couple of lamps. I know what I'm looking for, I just haven't found it yet. Hopefully we will have pictures of the FINISHED product soon.

Anyway, it's kind of weird to not have a long list of things to do. It seems like it might make the time drag more. I'm kind of ready to get it (labor and delivery) over with. Another part of me wants to put it off forever though. We have been talking lately about our "birth plan." It's nothing elaborate like some people's birth plan, but there are a few things that I feel strongly about.

1.) I AM going to have an epidural. Some may think I'm crazy to not even try to go natural, but I know myself and my anxiety level would be through the roof if I put some kind of expectation of natural childbirth on myself. This way I know the pain will be "short" lived. The average length for a first time labor is 12-24 hours! AHH! They don't like to give you an epidural until you're 4 cm dilated to make sure you're in active labor. This leads me to my second point.

2.) I don't want anyone in the room until I have my epidural. Well, anyone except David and maybe my mom. I don't want people around while I'm experiencing the worst pain of my life. I know everyone will be so excited and happy (of course) and I just don't want happy, peppy people around while I'm in agony! Call me crazy if you want. So we'll let everyone know when I'm in labor and when we're going to the hospital, but until I get that epidural, that's it. Family and friends are welcome to come sit in the waiting room in the meantime, but I have no clue how long it will be before I get the epidural.

3.) After I have the epidural, I'm sure I'll be in a better mood and will be willing to let people into the room. Until it's time to give birth that is. At that point, everyone except David and my mom will clear out again. They will stay at my head the entire time. This is where David said he wants to be! Haha. I don't mean to exclude anyone from the birth experience, but I need my privacy.

4.) After she is born and I'm all covered up, we will welcome visitors. As long as I'm not nursing her. That too will be a private affair.

I think those are the only things that I feel strongly about at this point. For anyone who has given birth and thinks I'm missing something, feel free to give suggestions. I want to cover all of my bases. This list is also subject to change. David is going to be my "room police." This is what he learned in our childbirth classes. The day our daughter is born is going to be one of the most exciting days of our life, but it is also going to be scary because there are so many unknowns. I typed out this list mainly because it helps me feel better to know there are a few things I can do on that day to make myself a little less anxoius.

I also realize that when you're giving birth, you never know what will come up, and you have to be flexible. For example if for some reason I have to have a c-section (I'm PRAYING I don't) this list would look totally different. But that is the plan for now. It's crazy to think that in a little over 4 weeks, we'll be putting this into effect! Or maybe sooner if my mom is right...


The Williams Family said...

This is the time where you get to call the all the shots. Although once the day arrives and you find out that it's not as bad as you have imagined, you may change your mind. I suggest you go ahead and pack your overnight bag a little earlier than you planned because you came early and I went to the hospital without anything. Nana had to go pack up things for me and she didn't even know where anything was! If you're like me and unsure whether you're even in labor, you're likely to be ready for the epidural sooner than you think! We're all sitting on ready here! Love you!

Ashley said...

I agree with everything you said---but you already know that we're a lot alike! Let me know what I can do once Aubrey is born to help you. I'm there!!

Aliya said...

Depending on where you give birth (I delivered both of mine at Baptist) if you have great nurses they can also be your room police. They were for me and I totally appreciated the fact that some of the stress was taken off of my husband. Good Luck.

Anonymous said...

I found your blog through Ashley Lancasters and I love reading about your pregnancy. I had my first baby in March this year. Your birth plan looks exactly like mine! Epidurals are the bomb!! You are so wise to allow yourself the luxury! My only advise is to give your birth plan to your nurse as soon as you get to the hospital. They will be your best "room police!"

Ashley said...

I tagged you on my blog! :o)

KTElltt said...

HEY, Carrie! I wish I had had a plan like this the first time around -- it would have saved us a whole lot of frustration. I agree with what you said about being flexible. The early stages of labor aren't necessarily comfortable but they're not agony either, so you may decide you want to see your mom or dad. As for visitors, I totally feel you on that one! And David should know that the nurses are there to help him police. They'll go as far as putting a sign on your door that says "No Visitors" and they'll even intervene with anyone who could prove to be difficult and think the no visitors sign is not for them. Just tell them what you want and they'll do it!

Now, as for epidural: As someone who had epidural-induced failure to progress that led to a c-section, may I suggest that you do some internet research and consider waiting just a bit farther into labor? Maybe 5 or 6 centimeters unless you get to 4 and you can't bear it. 4 is just the front edge of active labor and you can still be slowed down at that point -- that's what happened to me, and I don't want you to have a C-section either! You always have the option of getting it at 4, but if you let your body get on a roll and really get going, you have lesser chance of the epidural slowing you down. It's just a thought. I'm VERY pro-drugs, so I have no opinion on whether or not you should get it --just think you might want to do a little homework on when to get it -- not that you can control everything, but it's just good to be as educated as possible...

I'm excited for y'all! I want a phone call and I MIGHT come see you the next day but I'm one person you won't have to worry about intruding! It's a special time but also very sensitive. God will protect you all the way through.

KTElltt said...

ACK! Another miniblog! I never realize I'm doing that until I post. Sorry!