As I've already mentioned, last week was spring break, and it was a really great week! I enjoyed the slower pace and more family time :) Another wonderful part of my week was that the kids slept in until about 8:30 everyday!! It's not completely out of the ordinary for one child to sleep that late (especially Jude - he's like his mama and NOT a morning person), but it's rare for all three of them to sleep that late, especially that many days in a row. Pretty sure I have daylight savings time to thank for that. We're also really enjoying the extra daylight in the evenings.
Sunday we went to church and Sunday School. Afterwards, we came home for lunch. We had leftover quiche from Alaina's party the day before. We went back to church that evening, and we went to dinner with my parents' and their friends after church. Jude kind of enjoyed the cheese dip ;)
Monday was a laid back day. No school for Aubrey or any other plans. I think we stayed home all day. To be honest, all of my days from last week are kind of running together since we were off of our usual routine :) David didn't have karate, so he was home early that evening. Yay! I cooked dinner, and then David bathed the kids and I went to the grocery store.
A boy and his dog :) |
Tuesday, we had Circle. I took the kids to the nursery, and I enjoyed my Bible study time! We came home for lunch and naps. That evening, I had "bunco" at my friend Megan's house (we still call it bunco, but we're taking a break from playing bunco... the hostess gets to pick something fun for us to do each month). That night, we made scarves/necklaces out of tshirts. It was so much fun, and we had a LOT of laughs :)
Wednesday morning, we got off to a slow start, but after we were all dressed and ready, we headed out for lunch. We ate at Corner Bakery, and then we went to the library. I've never taken my kids to the library before (can you believe it?!) because they're NOT good at being quiet. Ha! But I decided to brave it that day, and they did great! Alaina was actually the loudest one. She was in the stroller and she kept yelling, "Mo (more) books!" We checked out a stack of books and then came home to read them before naps! That evening, we were all at home (no Wednesday night church this week) and I cooked dinner. We spent some time outside in our front yard while David did some yard work.
That evening, we bathed the kids and had a quiet night at home.
The kids and I spent the day at home on
Thursday. It was a good day! I did some cleaning, and the kids spent a good bit of time playing outside. David was home early again, and I cooked dinner. Afterwards, I was wanting to get out of the house, so I went to Target while David got the kids to bed.
This is what spring looks like at our house. Various cups and vases full of flowers on the kitchen counter :) |
I've been needing to get my driver's license renewed for quite a while (I'm mortified to admit exactly
how long... but trust me, you'd be horrified), and
Friday was the day! I took the kids over to my grandparents' house and my mom met us there. My grandfather took me to the driver's license place (we were worried that I would get a ticket when they saw how expired my license was if I drove myself), and the line was INSANE. Going during spring break week was a bad idea. I thought we were going to be there literally all day, but it "only" ended up taking about an hour and a half. Meanwhile, my mom and grandmother were watching the kids and they were eating pizza for lunch :) When I got back, we headed home for naptime. That evening, David and the kids and I went to dinner at Broadstreet. We then went by our (soon to be) new house. They're building a new deck in the backyard, and we needed to decided exactly how big we wanted it. The house is vacant, so we were able to take the kids inside and look around. They were SO excited! Aubrey said, "I'm kind of sad that we are leaving our old house, but I don't really care because I LOVE THIS HOUSE!" Ha! And Jude asked if we could sleep there when we told him it was time to go.
I see Jude looking in the window! |
That made me feel a LOT better about the move. It will be much easier for me if it's not a tough transition for the kids. By the time we got home, it was bedtime. David and I watched an episode of Sherlock that night.
Saturday was a normal, low-key day. David got some packing and yardwork done, I went to Kroger, and the kids napped and played :) When I got home from the grocery store, David and I packed up a good bit of stuff in the kitchen that we can do without for the next few weeks. It felt good to get at least a little packing done! We grilled chicken that evening and ate outside. After baths and bedtime for the kids, David and I watched another Sherlock episode.
1 comment:
I love the picture of Jude with the cheese sauce bowl up to his mouth. I love that stuff and could lick it out of the bowl, but at 34, people don't think it is so cute... ha, ha!
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