I still have one more wrap-up Disney post for next week. I know it seems like I've been recapping our Disney trip forever, but I want to record it all! :)
Well, I thought now was as good a time as any to try to get back on the Weekly Highlights bandwagon. Our week was pretty busy. David and I said that we both feel like we are barely keeping our heads above water right now. This is mostly because we're in the process of selling a house and buying a new one. I'd like to think that things will settle down soon, but with an impending move, that's doubtful. One of these days, we'll get back into our regular routine. I have to admit that I'm REALLY looking forward to some lazy summer days.
Sunday, we went to church and Sunday School. We had a normal, uneventful afternoon and went back to church that evening. We ate dinner at Newk's on the way home.
While we were at dinner, we noticed that this stinker had given himself a little haircut. Thankfully he's still cute! ;) |
Aubrey went to school on
Monday, and the little kids and I got ready and went to run errands. We went to McAlister's for lunch, Hobby Lobby, and Kroger. We then picked Aubrey up from school and came home for naps. That evening, I cooked dinner, and the kids and I just hung out at home. When David got home, we put everyone to bed.
Aubrey is going to be taking a Spanish class on
Tuesdays at the home of one of her little friends from school, so I dropped her off there and then went to Bible study. I picked Aubrey up after it was over, and we ate lunch when we got home. That evening, we met my family for dinner at Kiefer's for my little brother's 16th birthday! We had a great time!
Jude photo bomb!! |
It's hard to believe that he's 16! He spent the first two years of his life on my hip :) |
Wednesday was Aubrey's Valentine's Day party at school. I'm the home room mom which meant that I was in charge of coordinating the thing and being there for the party. My mom came over to keep Jude and Alaina while I attended the party. To be honest, I was a little stressed about it because none of the other k4 moms were able to come help me with the party. (The teachers aren't there for the party, so without another mom, it was just going to be me.) Thankfully, a sweet teacher did end up helping me, and everything went fine. (It was chaotic, but I guess that's to be expected.... it's k4.) I went home and visited with my mom, and then I went back to pick up Aubrey. My mom left when I got back home, and the kids napped. That evening, we went to church for game night.
Thursday, I kept two of my sweet friend Anna's kids. My kids had so much fun playing with their friends, and everyone got along well! They left around 1:00, and I put my kids down for rest time. For some reason, Alaina never went to sleep (that is extremely unusual), but she did stay in her bed for a long time fairly happily. I got the kids up, and we went to tutoring. After it was over, I hung out with my friend Megan and our kids played. We came home when David finished karate, and we ate taco soup for dinner.
We finally had an uneventful day at home on
Friday, and it was nice! I got some cleaning done around the house.
This sweet baby loves to "rock rock" and read books :) |
The kids had rest time and Alaina napped well, but she woke up in a bad mood and pretty much stayed that way the rest of the day :( That evening, we went to dinner at Mugshots, and then we went to Babies R Us and Target. When we got home, we put the kids to bed and then tried to get some stuff done around the house.
David took the kids to the Farmer's Market and to breakfast on
Saturday morning, and I got a head start on house work while they were gone.
I never know what my kids will be wearing when they come home from the Farmer's Market with Daddy :-/ I guess I can't complain if I'm not willing to get up and get them dressed myself. I do always ask if they saw anyone we know. Haha! |
We literally spent the day doing little things around the house. Just small stuff that we've been needing to do for a while like caulking and touching up paint. We want our house to look as good as possible for the inspection on Tuesday (please pray that goes well!!). That evening, we got Chinese for dinner, went to Kroger, and then came home and bathed the kids and got them to bed.
I literally laughed out loud at the Farmer's Market Outfits!! That would so be Kurt....
Aww they look great in their matching Spiderman gear! :) Our girls would approve.
Good luck with the inspection!
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