Monday, December 9, 2013

Weekly Highlights

I'm not sure if I'm going to keep doing my Weekly Highlights posts. I love having our weeks documented, but I kind of feel like those posts sometimes hinder my blogging. They take quite a while to write, and there are times when I want to blog, but I don't feel like sitting down and doing that post. But then I feel like I can't blog anything else each week until I do that one, so I just don't blog.... I'm such a rule follower. Hahah! Anyway, I might just do a "here's what we've been up to" post every couple of weeks. And sometimes, I might do a full Weekly Highlights post. Basically, I'm telling myself there are no rules. I'll just blog whatever I feel like blogging whenever I feel like it. Ha! Last week was pretty busy, so I decided to document it :)
I had a homeroom mom meeting at Aubrey's school on Monday morning.
Yummy breakfast courtesy of Daddy.
Thankfully, my meeting didn't last too long. While I had my mom at my house babysitting Jude and Alaina, I made a few returns after the meeting. The rest of our day was just a normal Monday :)
Instead of having our Bible Study on Tuesday, we met and helped decorate our sanctuary for Christmas. We didn't get everything done in the time we had while nursery was provided, but at least we were able to help make a dent! I cooked dinner that night, and we had a laid back evening at home.
On Wednesday, Jude, Alaina, and I had lunch with Sarah Denley and Graves while the girls were at school. We went to Broastreet and had fun! I can't even think about the fact that our weekly get togethers are going to be no more soon.... :( We had our holiday banquet at church that night. The children's choir sang, and it was very nice!
My mom's birthday was on Thursday! Alaina was running fever, sadly, so David took her to the doctor while Aubrey, Jude, and I met my family for lunch to celebrate my mom's birthday. We ate at Julep and it was great! Thankfully, Alaina only had a cold, and David met me with her after lunch. We skipped tutoring since Alaina was under the weather, but we still met David at church so that he could drive the kids home and I could go to our Women in the Church Christmas Party that night. I enjoyed it!
On Friday, we were going to the ballet with Aubrey's school. Originally, we were supposed to go the day before (my mom's birthday), so we had invited her to go with us. The field trip got moved, but my mom still went :)
My mother-in-law came over to keep the little kids while we went to The Nutcracker. It was great! Afterwards, we got a quick lunch and then came home.
My MIL gave the kids some clothes for an early Christmas present. Jude tried his new clothes on and put his hands in these cargo type pockets. He then just stood in this stance for a while. Haha!
That evening, we ate dinner at Mellow Mushroom. Alaina now thinks she's too big for a highchair. ;)
David and I wanted to take Aubrey and Jude to see Frozen, so my mom came over on Saturday to keep Alaina. It was so much fun! I loved the movie, and the kids did great! Alaina was napping when we got home. I went to the grocery store while David watched some football (War Eagle!).
That night, I cooked soup and we hung out at home.
Such a cozy view :)


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