Friday, May 17, 2013

Watercolor: Day 4

On Wednesday, we woke up to a gloomy, overcast day. We thought this would be a great day to do the indoor activities that we wanted to do while we were in Florida. (What we didn't know is that the next few days would end up being even MORE overcast and gloomy and even full out rainy. If we had known that at the time, we probably would have gone to the beach and the pool on Wednesday, but we obviously didn't know that.... it all worked out fine in the end!) The kids had another early morning. They literally woke up earlier and earlier every morning we were there.... but they also went to sleep faster and faster every night ;) David let me sleep in, and as soon as I got up we made the call that brunch at the Donut Hole was in order! It was SOOO good, and there was no wait. Ahhh, I love going to the beach during off season.
Thankfully, we had a much better restaurant experience with Alaina than we had had the past couple of times we had eaten out. After we ate, we headed back to our house to let the kids rest and figure out a plan for the rest of the day. Apparently those late nights were starting to catch up with Jude because he was passed OUT when we got home :)
Once we got the kids down for naps, David and I tried out the bike helmets....
Haha! Yes, we're dorks :) David then went for a bike ride (sans helmet) while I stayed home and got ready to hit up the outlet mall that afternoon!

When the kids got up, we all headed to the outlet mall in Destin. I had so such fun shopping! David and the kids shopped with me for a little while, and of course we had to make a stop in the Disney Store! I think I was more excited to be there than the kids! :) We let Aubrey and Jude each pick one thing to get, and Aubrey picked a Rapunzel doll.
And Jude picked some Cars :)
The kids got restless shopping so David took them to the playground at the mall while I finished shopping. I had forgotten my purse, and most stores these days make you show your ID when you use a card (so I couldn't just use David's card), so I would go in a store, decide what I wanted to buy, ask them to hold it for me, and then run outside and watch the kids while David ran in the store and paid. Haha! Kind of annoying, but thankfully I didn't buy THAT much :) The kids didn't care a bit because they were having a blast on the playground.

Have I mentioned that this girl LOVED the sand? Because she did.

And have I ever mentioned that Aubrey is a little momma? Because she totally is.
It was nice and cool outside but SO humid. I couldn't believe how frizzy my hair was!
After I had done all the shopping I wanted to do, we grabbed a quick dinner at Panera. It was getting late and the kids were getting tired by that point, so we headed home. Look at our sweet, worn out babies... (poor Jude had fallen and skinned his knee earlier -- it was quite traumatic.)
We got them all to bed (Aubrey and Jude went to sleep pretty quickly that night in spite of their car nap), and then David and I hung out and watched a movie. Super fun day!

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