Sunday: Jude was still running fever, and I was supposed to teach the 2 year old Sunday School class, so David stayed home with Jude and Aubrey and I went to church. My dad and brothers were sick, too, so it was only my mom there. We usually take up almost a whole pew, so that was a change! After church, I taught the 2 year olds, and that was good. Aubrey and I headed home after that to check on our men :-) David said Jude had done great while we were gone. We ate a roast that I had put in the crockpot before church, and then Jude was fussy and tired. We took a long nap together. When we woke up, David and Aubrey were getting ready to go to night church. Jude and I stayed home. I was hoping to get a lot of my book club book read while the house was quiet. Turns out, the house wasn't quiet. Poor Jude was super fussy the whole time they were gone. He just didn't seem to feel well. David and Aubrey got home, and we talked about church, and then we just hung out until bed.
Monday: Jude was up several times in the night like he has been lately, but he woke up fever free :-) That was a relief! I was supposed to take a meal to a family from church who just had a baby, so we went to the grocery store to get the stuff that morning. When we got home, I started cooking, and fixed lunch for Aubrey. I got a little reading done between cooking and taking care of the kids, but not much. I put Aubrey down for her nap, but she never went to sleep :( I guess she had slept too late that morning. I made her stay in her bed for a while so that I could finish cooking the meal. Jude didn't nap either. It was pretty frustrating, because I really needed both of them to nap that day. David had a meeting at church that night, and he went straight there from work. My mom came over to ride with me to deliver the meal. That was nice because it was a pretty far drive, and I didn't have to get the kids out of the car when I ran the food in. Jude had a meltdown in the car on the way back. I think he was overtired from not napping. When we got back to my house, my mom entertained Aubrey while I tried to get Jude settled down. My mom left, and we went to meet Rebekkah and Carver for dinner. It had been a stressful day, so it was nice to get out. The kids were kind of wild, though. Aubrey would not sit still! It was still worth it to get out of the house! David called when we were on our way home to say his meeting was over. I was pleasantly surprised that he was already on his way home. He put Aubrey to bed while I fed and Jude and put him in bed. Then I went to get Rebekkah and we went to the gym. Running was tough that night. When I got home, David was already in bed, so I read a little of my book club book and went to bed, too.
Tuesday: I got up early to get ready for Bible Study. We managed to get there on time, which is always nice because it's so rare. Ha! I enjoyed Bible Study even though I hadn't read my chapter -- oops! We didn't stay for lunch afterward because I didn't really have anything to pack to eat, and I needed to get home to ready my book. I still had about 200 pages at this point, and book club was that night :-/ I did make time to stop at a consignment sale on the way home though! Haha. I found lots of cute stuff, but I limited myself to 4 outfits and a pair of shoes. When we got home, I had high hopes for naptime. Unfortunately, they were quickly dashed. Jude wouldn't sleep because he had missed his morning nap and was just too tired to go to sleep. Aubrey took forever to fall asleep and then slept for about 30 minutes. Ughhh. That made getting my 200 pages read difficult. I did some speed reading! Ha! When David got home, he took the kids outside, and I fixed spaghetti for them to eat for dinner and read some more. I finished the book at about 5:55, and Rebekkah picked me up at 6 ;-) We had book club at Keifer's, and it was really fun! We read Prep, and there was LOTS to discuss. I'm glad I had finished the book and was able to participate! When I got home, the kids were asleep, and David was about to get ready for bed. He wasn't feeling great. I decided to go ahead and go to bed, too.
Wednesday: Jude had an AWFUL night. I don't know what in the world was going on, but he was up SO many times. He seems to sleep the worst when he doesn't nap the day before, so maybe that was the problem. Anyway, I was just so tired and frustrated when I got up. It was just catching up to me that I haven't had a solid night of sleep in months. We got ready to go to lunch with Sarah Denley and Ann Peyton. It had been a while since we had seen them since Ann Peyton was sick last week, so we were looking forward to it! First we stopped by and picked up our money and clothes that didn't sell in the consignment sale last week. Then we ate at Broadstreet. It was fun, and we enjoyed catching up. By the time we got home, I was just exhausted and decided that I needed to take a nap even though there was LOTS that needed to be done around the house (especially since I had spent Monday cooking and Tuesday reading -- no housework had been accomplished either of those days!). I put Aubrey down and then laid down with Jude. He would not go to sleep. He just seemed wide awake even though I knew he was tired. Then Aubrey woke up after only 45 minutes. I told her that she was NOT getting up yet, and she did end up going back to sleep. I gave up on a nap, though, since Jude was still awake. I ended up just sitting on the couch and watching TV. I let Jude cry in his bed for a while, but he never went to sleep. I went to get him, and he immediately fell asleep in my arms. I just let him sleep, because I knew he needed it. He was still asleep when David got home, and Aubrey was just waking up. By this point, I wasn't feeling well at all. I had an awful sinus headache, was hot, and just felt run down. David decided to take the kids to church and let me stay home and rest. So sweet! I slept for about an hour and a half while they were gone. I felt much better when I got up. I still felt like I was coming down with a cold, but that's just so much more magnified when you're sleep deprived. David brought dinner home for me, and then we put the kids to bed. David and I were in bed by 10. That's a miracle, and it was so nice.
Thursday: Aubrey woke up at 6:40 that morning -- boo! I actually felt pretty rested after my nap and going to bed so early the night before. I felt a lot better than I had the day before and was hopeful that I wasn't really coming down with anything more than a little cold after all. We had a low-key day at home. I was actually fairly productive considering I wasn't feeling my best. I did lots of laundry and straightened up the house. Jude took a 30 minute morning nap in his bed. Not the longest, but I'll take it! When he woke up, we got in the car and drove through and picked up lunch. I desperately need to make a grocery run, but I wasn't feeling up to it that day. We ate lunch when we got home, and then I put Aubrey down for a nap. I took a shower and then put Jude down for his nap. He slept for an hour, and I was really glad because I started feeling bad again that afternoon. I got chills and felt hot, so I checked my temp, and I did have fever :( I ended up laying on the couch shivering the whole time Jude napped. Haha! When the kids both woke up, I called David and asked him not to go to karate that night. I wasn't feeling up to taking care of both kids by myself while I was sick. He was teaching karate for my dad's ministry after wok, but he was going to come home after that. Until he got home, we just sat around, and I watched Aubrey play. I fixed her dinner and held Jude, and David got home about 6:30. Unfortunately he wasn't feeling well either :( We just took care of the kids until bedtime, and then we went to bed early again.
Friday: Aubrey woke up early again, and I wasn't feeling good. We had another very uneventful day at home. The only difference from the day before was that I wasn't productive at all. It was just a rough day. Jude wouldn't take a morning nap. Aubrey was having extreme meltdowns about every little thing. She just had the biggest fits she has had in a VERY long time all day, and I just did not feel up to dealing with it that day. I ended up putting her down for her nap early and she went right to sleep. I wanted to take a nap SO bad, so I decided to just lay Jude down with me to hopefully get him to sleep longer. He would. not. go. to. sleep. Ughh. He was just kicking and talking and squealing. It would have been super cute if I wasn't tired and sick and just wanting to sleep. Finally, after quite a while, he fell asleep. I had just gotten to sleep myself when Aubrey woke up. I went upstairs and she was just laying there fussing, so I soothed her and she went back to sleep. Thank the Lord! I was then able to sleep for about an hour. I didn't feel much better when I woke up, though. Actually, I probably felt worse, because I had fever again. I took a shower and then we just waited for David to get home. He didn't feel good either, sadly. We ordered pizza for dinner and all rode to go pick it up. It felt good to be out of the house for a few minutes, even though we were just in the car. When we got home and ate our pizza, we realized that Aubrey had fever, too :( No wonder she had been so awful all day. We prepared ourselves for a rough night with so many sick people in the house! David and I went to bed after we got the kids down.
Saturday: Aubrey did have a bad night. She was up probably 10 times and was just burning up but complaining of being cold. Poor, poor thing! She was up for the day at about 7:45, and Jude was up shortly after that. David and I decided that Aubrey should go to the doctor, and then we would have an idea about what all of us have. I was feeling pretty bad, so David offered to take her to the doctor. I was happy to hear that our regular pediatrician was the on-call doctor this weekend at the after hours clinic. While Aubrey and David were at the doctor, Jude and I just stayed home and tried to rest. I put Jude down for a nap, and he slept for an hour. David called when they finished with the appointment to give me the verdict -- Aubrey has RSV and the flu. The doctor said it's not common to get both of them at the same time and that Aubrey wins the "prize" for being most sick. David and I are now pretty certain that we both have the flu, too. That explains why we've been feeling so awful. It's really too late for us to take tamiflu (plus, I didn't really want to take it while nursing), but Aubrey started it, and we're doing breathing treatments for the RSV. The doctor said Jude will more than likely catch one or both of them, too, because they are highly contagious. Please pray that he stays well! We've just been cooped up at home for the rest of the day, and I guess we'll be here until all this sickness passes. I hope I don't go crazy! Aubrey did take a decent nap, and that seemed to help a little. She has a pretty high fever, and David and I are feeling pretty lousy, too.
We are praying that we all get well soon, and that Jude stays well!
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