Whew... it's been a long day! Aubrey is finally in bed. She refused to take her afternoon nap today, so by about 6PM she was exhausted. I don't like to put her to bed too early because I don't want her waking up any earlier in the morning. Ha! So I just had to do my best to keep her entertained and happy until bedtime tonight. David had a Home Owners Association meeting tonight, so I had to to do bedtime by myself. It's rare that David has meetings at night thankfully, but he had one last night and tonight. Being alone with Aubrey in the evenings always makes the days feel longer. I'm not complaining though, because Aubrey and I had fun together :o) The only frustrating part of tonight was that I had to get Aubrey ready for bed during commercial breaks for 18 Kids and Counting. I can't miss the Duggars! Haha!
Remember how I mentioned that Aubrey had recently picked up a
charming, ladylike new habit?? Well, I finally got photographic proof. It's while she's eating a meal no less. Cute, right?! ;o)

So, she does have little slip-ups where she doesn't act very ladylike, but for the most part she's a sweet, proper little Southern Belle. See?

We cut her some slack when she picks her nose at the table. After all, she is still learning... she's only 11 months old ;o)
Super cute! So, the sonogram lady told us what she thinks it is. She said not to paint a room or pick out clothes. The doctor came in and he said that if she says it, it's probably right. But just in case it's wrong, we're not telling anybody until we know for double-sure. See you tomorrow night!
oh aubrey, you are such a great role model for annie.....i'm glad she'll be able to learn how to pick her nose from such a pro!
yes, we did a test drive with the infant seats at babies r us and she really liked the bumboo, in a gender neutral color per peyton's request (of course). I'm not opposed to it like the carseat, though; I actually love the minty green. She seems to enjoy it so far. I think it's one of those trendy baby items that everyone with forty dollars to spare just has to get; you know?
Haha that is so funny! Such a dainty little lady :) I will miss you this week too.... Boo. By the way, I loved reading your daily schedule with Aubrey the other day. Maybe 1:00 lunches will work better for us? I'll see you when I get back!!
Very Cute! Thanks for you encouraging words. Things are going surprisingly well!
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